alexander solzhenitsyn speaks to the west

The American Jewish organization that continue to lobby the US Congress is the AIPAC. #2 QUOTE: SOLZHENITSYN: 66 Million Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks…Solzhenitsyn asserts that since 1917, the Bolsheviks, continuing under assassin Stalin, through and even after WW2, systematically executed, and inside (and outside) their thousands of Gulags, worked, starved and froze to death, SIXTY-SIX million people, not all, but most of them CHRISTIANS (whom the Bolsheviks hated). = The animosity of the Jewish leadership was directed almost exclusively toward the Christian clergy and their churches as monks, nuns and priests were put to death in large numbers, after being cruelly tortured with their eyes gouged out and in some instances being boiled alive. Here’s the propaganda war in the current context, not that this needs repeating: 1) a peaceful protest at Charlottesville was recast as a “deadly” neonazi uprising. Jews continued to occupy all the most important posts in the Soviet government. The so-called ‘anti-Semitism’ of the New Testament is merely the pronouncements of Jews against other Jews. I think we should adopt Solzhenitsyn’s approach of not making unsupported statements. The details of this struggle might make a very interesting study. Click for Source Article of Bolshevik Jews Mass Murders. Or at least not true in England. What more, Roman Catholics practice praying to Mary as co mediator with Christ, the doctrine of infant baptism, the extreme unction of a dying person, the doctrine of Limbo and Purgatory, the praying to persons canonized by the Vatican as saints. And your conclusion is certanly right. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And with victory, as was the case during this time, came atrocity. Usually, one must discuss the matter using code-words so as to not get banned or to not arouse the anger of the moderator (although in fairness, Amren has recently become more open to comments about the JQ so long as they are free from raging anti-Semitic screeds). Calling out in public hasn’t worked either, as the article points out” – Most ‘normie Jews’ are not reading Counter Currents or any other like-minded site. Wherever the Russians soldiers stepped they left enduring memories … especially for the peasants. He also stresses how not all White forces were hostile to Jews. Alienating all Jews was a serious mistake, but the most crucial was the neglect of russian peasantry. The error was mine, not Solzhenitsyn’s. It’s a very convoluted narrative,I know as Kyiv itself was exchanged hands 14 times in 17 months about the time my father was born in the vicinity. But Solzhenitsyn was at pains to be scrupulously fair and not make unsupported statements. So they main pogroms were caused by Ukrainian separatists (nationalists), NOT by Russian White Army. Pay attention, there’s moe of us than you think. The first Soviet secret police, known as the Cheka, was also disproportionately Jewish in its leadership (especially in places like Kyiv where there were many Jews to begin with), as it was also disproportionately non-Russian. Spencer, I wanted to say at the outset that I am grateful for these articles on ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ that you have written. Also, yes, Petliura was not a general. Perhaps, only can be if her mother was one, according to their rules. All the photos of thousands of corpses, clothes, dental leftovers, shoes,….? Solzhenitsyn names names in the Cheka as well. The Roman Catholic church forbid the reading of the bible if it does not bear the signature of their church leader that is why there was this thing called the Chained Bible because the layman are not allowed to read it during the days of Inquisition. Thank you. I believe we are getting the One World Socialist Government that is the precursor to the Antichrist, and that means Jesus and the rapture aren’t far away either. has become the cornerstone; Because that God is a Jewish God, not a German God; not an English God, not a Qazaq God, not an Ukrainian God, etc. After the October Revolution, how could the average Russian peasant, now armed and part of an army, not be seething in hatred for Jews — the very people they believe stole their country from them? = They got us into the Iraq War on false WMD pretenses and are now trying the same Tricks for Syria, Iran, and Russia. It captured and executed innocent hostages by the thousands (sometimes by mass drownings in barges). One of the reasons why both our countries were able to cooperate in an alliance during the interwar period. The Revolution and the resulting Red Terror met with great resistance there. Can anyone blame them? For me? So, you would think that our larger numbers would be able to out-maneuver such a motley-crew, yet we continually find ourselves stymied. My reading of chapter sixteen of Two Hundred Years Together tells me that a sober appreciation for the Truth — and a good deal of restraint — would have gone a long way. How could it be avoided? Lord Rothschild was maybe the most influential, but he was unable to persuade The Times to stop its anti-German propaganda that led to the First World War (Rothschild tried to stop the drift to war). Rather, many tended to remain suspicious of even friendly Jews given how prominent. These are the very reasons why the Reformers (called protestants by the Roman Catholics) separated from them. Jesus called Jews the Chosen people, this is true, then it can Not be these JEWS. For example, wild conspiracy theories about Trotsky worshipping the Devil and practicing Satanic rituals in the Kremlin persisted in White circles for years after the war. Create a free website or blog at My point is that while the JQ must be raised, we need to be careful in how we present it. Contemporary Christianity cannot shelter us, for 90% of Christian organizations of any sort have subscribed to ‘Liberation Theology’, which is a 100% Leftist diatribe. Jean Cocteau. In the West, the pogroms soured public opinion of the Whites and crippled their ability to raise much-needed funds. have to behave accordingly. Canonization was invented by the Vatican to convince their believers that they have the power to make people “saints”. Learn how your comment data is processed. It was started by Hank & John Green. So, we surely need to be better organized — to the point of having some such thing as an ‘underground railroad’ or other secret society operating in a ‘temple-like’ structure, but whose rules and constitutions and rituals are blurred from view, in secrecy and absolutely loyalty. Can you prove it? Thought some here might find this one article from that site of interest. It is a self-evident truth. You’d think that the truth would be known world 🌎 wide before now. He relays estimates that in Crimea from 1917 to 1921, Red forces murdered 120,000 to 150,000 people. Just a silly, spur-of-the-moment comment, but in retrospect, I actually think it is the very crux of the problem. In the end it was the centre-right agrarians of Polish Peasant Party “Piast” under Witos that managed to convince the majority rural population, that the fledgling state is worth fighting for and we all bleed the same polish blood. Solzhenitsyn = Response: “Man has forgotten God.” The brave Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the famous Russian writer who has been called the “Conscience of the 20th Century,” served eight long years in the Soviet Gulag prison system. It’s a ‘bridge too far’ for many of our people. Can’t we? Things become murky, however, in Ukraine. No Right will be victorious until it names the Jew and pulls up its vile root system of influence once and for all. I’m skeptical of that quote. Thank you for correcting me. I don’t see what advantage we would gain by deliberately alienating them and potentially causing them to harden against our people by making no distinction between them and their leaders. When they found them they were extremely emaciated and thin dying of starvation. on It caused the Whites to lose the propaganda war, which in turn hampered its chances in a myriad of ways. You’ve made his work so much more accessible, and I have a greater sense now of what he was saying and its importance in understanding that period of time. And yes we need to eliminate its influence over us. , the Russian word for corn] and those who spoke with an accent were escorted out and executed. Pingback: Marionnette Macron de Rothschild: ” le sionisme est le même que le sémitisme ” ~ Les tribunaux en désaccord – N. Free Mind, Pingback: Not all headlines wear capes | vulture of critique. I hunted around and always found it without a source. you understand the main boss` idea of a Lie, the great weapon,if it`s bold enoug , haha. So, whom is more repulsive? After the pogromists finished with their business, peasants from surrounding villages usually arrived on wagons to join in looting the commercial goods which were often stored in large amounts in the towns because of the unsettled times. Comments are moderated. Voltaire said “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities” and history tells the story loud and clear. I’m currently reading “The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings 1947-2005,” and am thoroughly enjoying it. It used to be on site called bible believers, but keep searching back on back pages of Google Search. We can say about the US Forces in Vietnam “Johnson´s troops” or “Nixon´s troops”. The Soviet government officially condemned anti-Semitism = Jewish revolutionaries led by Lenin who was himself partly Jewish = The coming to power of the Jews, and their hatred for the Russian people. And it was the wanton abuse of this power that led to the unspeakable violence of the Russian Civil War and the anti-Jewish pogroms to which Russian history had no equivalent. If you don't see your comment, please be patient. And, yes, he was killed in Paris by the Jew Schwarzbart, but I think Comrade Schwarzbart used the “progroms” only as a cover to justify the murder, but in reality he was simply a Soviet agent, so he killed not so much as a Jew, but more as a Bolshevik (and it was covered-up in the media and in the history). Fortunately when communists struck in Hungary, Romanians already knew that nothing good will come out of it and overthrew the scum. All-consuming Jew-hate plays into the Left’s strengths. But according to Solzhenitsyn, they were significant factors. REGAINING AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE FROM BRITISH-ISRAEL ROTHSCHILDS ZIONIST CRIME SYNDICATE. Worse than I had previously heard about. The culminating point of the Reformers’ action was when the Pope tried to influence the Diet of Worms, the English Parliament at that time to pass laws that support the roman catholicism to force people to be all catholics. Don’t forget to sign up for the weekly email Counter-Currents Newsletter for exclusive content, offers, and news. Maybe why I am a TI now. Can we do such a thing? 1,751 words. We can’t fight a war without specifically identifying the enemy. Could this have been helped? And we can say “Gen. The Romanian peasants had no doubt regarding the Russians – be them christian or bolshevik. In so doing, and because they call themselves Christians, Islam also hated even the true Christians who also suffered in the hands of this false christian Church, which is now seated in Rome, headed by the Pope who claimed to be the mediator between God and man, in effect usurping the position and power of Jesus Christ. A recent article in Quillette by Freya India raises the age-old problem of how to understand the connection between suffering and meaning in one’s life. But not all Jews are on the Left, and not all of the Left is Jewish. The propaganda war is won by victory; barring that, the purpose now should be to begin to expose the Jew to the deluded population. Yes! But there was a non-insignificant number of patriotic Jews who were either sympathetic with the White cause or had actually joined White forces. Hitler has tried to stop the war and settle the borders as they were, but the Zionists bribed Churchill with peace if he would get America involved in the war. Winston Churchill, then Britain’s Secretary of War, was sympathetic to the Russian nationalist cause, and wrote to White General Anton Denikin, explaining that the pogroms were making it difficult for him to secure support for the Whites in Parliament. CHRISTIANS, on a quest to convert, WHERE THE BIGGEST MURDERS OF ALL TIME, sorry, hateful folks, Pingback: Jewish Bolsheviks Mass Murdered 66 Million Mostly Christian Russians – Brutal Proof, Pingback: BLM a Antifa jsou morbidní rasisté, vyznávající komunismus – Asociace nezávislých médií, Pingback: BLM a Antifa jsou morbidní rasisté, vyznávající komunismus | NWOO.ORG. Do yo Spencer, or would anyone know if he AIS actually said this? She was defamed for telling the truth. I recommend to print a copy or save on a file. One has to know that the Media can and does Lie, as does Hollywood. This is also why the king refused to allow the Romanovs safe passage to England. tells me that a sober appreciation for the Truth — and a good deal of restraint — would have gone a long way. Any Rightist movement in conflict with the Left should do as little as possible to alienate centrist or neutral Jews. the german soldiers who carried out the program are mostly JEWS! FACT: Even after the Stalinist purges of some Jews, organized Jewry remained entrenched in power in the Soviet Union. Calling out in public hasn’t worked either, as the article points out. This resulted in a series of pogroms that dwarfed the ones of the late nineteenth century. Alexander Solzhenitsyn with Vladimir Putin. Can anyone blame them? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name ‘Genrikh Yagoda’, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.”, Solzhenitsyn tells us, “by the computations of the emigrated statistics professor Kurganov, this ‘relatively light’ suppression that ran from the beginning of the October Revolution through 1950 cost us [Russians] about 66 million human lives.” [GULAG Archipelago, p. 37], JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS MASS MURDERED 66 MILLION MOSTLY CHRISTIANS IN RUSSIA. The Jew, doing what the Jew has done for , again, millennia or foul “Shabbos Goi” who have/will and will continue to betray their OWN God, Nation and people? During the Russian Civil War, Crimea became known as the “All-Russian Cemetery.” He also includes a Jewish source who remarks on the striking change which Jewish youth underwent after the Revolution: We were astonished to find among the Jews what we never expected from them — cruelty, sadism, unbridled violence — everything that seemed so alien to a people so detached from physical activity; those who yesterday couldn’t handle a rifle, today were among the vicious cutthroats. As I understand it, Hitler himself permitted half-Jews (perhaps even full Jews?) So in here, the priest takes representations, first is from God to man and second from man to God, something that only exclusive to the true Mediator, Jesus Christ. I’m not aware of any full English translation (though, apparently, something in the works), and I currently have too many other reading commitments to work through his tome. It is a crime to change their story line. We have torn away her skirts!”. There are many good points here, and it shows that little real detail of the Russian Civil War is widely known in the Western public. He also points out how dedicated to terror the Cheka really was. Spencer Quinn, though, here stated that Jews made up a significant proportion of the British elite at the time. Morality aside, it’s hard to see what the Whites gained by conducting pogroms, even from the standpoint of cold self interest. One’s identity was enough to determine guilt or innocence in the jaundiced eyes of the Cheka. WESTERN ZIONIST MAFIA STATES USING LOWCULT BOUDDHIST WORSE THAN ANIMALS: When I mention calling out the Jew, I’m talking about the sort of discourse (or lack thereof) White dissidents have among themselves on their own sites. Later as editor of The Times, he endorsed the publication of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and published editorials blaming the Jews for the First World War and for the Bolshevik revolution. Matthew 21:42-43: Coincidentally, the ancient Hebrew word. But he could not control all “his” troops during the war. The latest figure is that no more than 70K died in the camps, nothing near 6 million. In related news.... Not diplomatic, but overall not wrong either. Some White generals forbade pogroms entirely, such as Alexander Kolchak in Siberia and Pyotr Wrangel in Crimea. Solzhenitsyn makes this point often. I’m not sure if the mistake is the authors ,as I suspect, or Solzhenytsyns but Symon Petliura was a nationalist Ukrainian socialist who frequently fought against the White Army My grandfather was one of his officers. nationalists who fought against both White and Red) were responsible for nearly eighty-five percent of this. The Russian Civil War is a unique time in history since it is where racial nationalism, petty nationalism, the Left, and the Jewish Question all meet at a bloody crossroads. And that might be an over statement but every time I think about what’s happening to us right now, the cause of it seems to definitely be (((them))). – WickMath. more greek and roman than the cross. I did just find the site Hollow Hoax. So glad Lamb & Lion are the Watchmen. And, who knows? So much has been written but the site that had the most information has been lost to me, called Hollow Hoax, by a James Stewart, a Canadian, which WordPress shut down, and of course removed from FB. She is one brave and respected person as she testified that the crimes a former officer was being prosecuted for just did not happen. There were many who did not go to camps and were intent on getting a homeland given to them, and amassing wealth to make their plan succeed. And so, in many cases, Jewish allies were either rejected or forced into humiliating supporting roles during the war. Of course, the Bolshevik press took full advantage of every pogrom and did much to manipulate world opinion away from the Whites. Well, seeing as how Solzhenitsyn most certainly wasn’t a Jew, and that the Whites most certainly did not win, it might be wise to listen to him, and at least consider his arguments. We need to show people interested in nationalism that we are not motivated just by prejudice. Second Polish Republic among its many challenges faced the agrarian reform, that became a contentious issue since the landowner lobby held a portion of inluence in the parliament and goverment coalitions were unstable. I think the historical memory played a huge part too. Bolshevik Jews engineered the Russian Revolution (1917) and managed to kill 66 million Russian Christians = Under Stalin and his Communist Jews burned down thousands of the churches and built synagogues as needed = Alexander SOLZHENITSYN states flatly: “66 million” = “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. Wielkie Dzięki from Poland! Take back the board, one square at a time, silently. That being said, pogroms and a persistent, almost superstitious, Jew-hate may not have been all that doomed the Whites to defeat. They are the war criminals here. and all of their collaborators. If you want to support Counter-Currents, please send us a donation by going to our Entropy page and selecting “send paid chat.” Entropy allows you to donate any amount from $3 and up. White racial dissidents today can learn much from this regrettable episode. We have the more difficult and greater task of breaking through the lies and smokescreens without at the same time completely alienating those we are intending to reach (Whites). For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. Thank you, the propaganda machine blames Christians for the trans-Atlantic slave-trade but truth be told, Africans sold their own people as cattle to the Jews who were welcomed as refugees by the Kingdom of the Netherlands after they were kicked out of Spain and Portugal. The mainly Jewish nature of the Bolshevik leadership cannot be doubted. The driving force behind this enemy is, as always, the Jewish Left. In 1979 “The New York Times” published a ballet review by Jack Anderson that referenced the adage and then twisted it: 9. How can such an Adjenda prevail? “He Doesn’t Worry Too Much If Mediocre People Get Killed in Wars and Such”, An Interview with Jaroslaw Ostrogniew, Part 2, Remembering Ernst Jünger (March 29, 1895–February 17, 1998). For my entire life I have always been sympathetic to the Jews, and Israel. The only shit is between the ears of the anti-whites. The Revolution and the resulting Red Terror met with great resistance there. This has always been these rotten to the core Jew Kikes dream. We were able to stop the Bolsheviks near Warsaw in 1920 because premier Wincenty Witos (a leading peasant politican) rallied the rural masses to fight for independent Poland and reject communist promises. “‘The stone the builders rejected It strengthens my opinion that the Russian Army and Ochrana were working to get rid of tsar either as a proxy of foreign interests (especially German), a good for nothing expense, a symbol of past times that is destroying Russia – in fact the Empire. This is a quote attributed to AIS, “We can not state that all Jews are Bolsheviks. = Some Jew in Hollywood quipped, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs!” = “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.” — Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich = Personally claimed responsibility for killing twenty million people and he stood atop the rubble of a Christian church and proclaimed, “Mother Russia has been cast down! Christ Jesus has One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church created 33 AD – all others are false. Rather, many tended to remain suspicious of even friendly Jews given how prominent other Jews were among the Reds. Imdb entry. 7) What you do speaks so loud, that I cannot hear what you say. If our absolutist language applies to jews, in their mind it could apply to them too. Sometimes during the anti-Jewish pogroms by rebellious peasant bands, entire, were exterminated with indiscriminate slaughter of children, women, and elders. How could the forces of Reaction have survived this encounter? In Jeremiah 31:34, God says He will remember our sins no more. I’m NOT referring to to having public discussions with Jews about their culturally subversive ways, although this may occur now and then. So very sad for her. Let me in on it if you understand it. What this does mean, however, is threefold: Solzhenitsyn laments at the end of the chapter that the hard swing of Jews towards Bolshevism and the hard swing of the Whites against the Jews “eclipsed and erased the most important benefit of a possible White victory — the sane evolution of the Russian state.”. Land reforms played a part as king Ferdinand of Romania understood so well. Kaganovich = Soviet Jew and his co-conspirators made life a living hell for millions of Russian Christians with mass murderers = Managed to kill tens of millions of innocent peasants in the process in a sea of blood. Yet, these “perennial victims” do, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT, what their Shabbos Goi in D.C. and their Jew owners FRAMED Germany for. If you project what happened next after the New Testament times, you will see the birth of the so called Church, the impostor Christianity (Catholic) who continued persecuting the Christians after they fled from Israel because of the persecution of the Jews (Judaistic). Leon Trotsky, along with Ephraim Sklyanksy and Jacov Sverdlov, founded it in 1918 with many Jews in leadership positions. Your email is never published nor shared. Further the number is too high. Could any middle ground have remained during such a turbulent period? Micah 7:19 declares that God will cast our sins in the depths of the sea. Jews call it the second world, where jews enslave the whole world and destroy the white race and only keep 500,000,000 cross breed submissive slaves to do all the work and they jew can have their way with them. “How could it be avoided?” it can’t be avoided. Who has proof the numbers are fake? Yet, there will always be Jews like Gilad Atzmon, Norman Finkelstein, Ron Unz and others who will try to call their people to account and to some semblance of sanity. It would help to know the incident and time-frame Quint is referring to. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. Many Jews are no different than the average White Goy who go along in life with no awareness of the deeper cultural issues. The creation of the Church by the Incarnate Word of God (Jesus) established a new relationship with God’s people that draw into the covenant all races and all human persons. Solzhenitsyn points out early in chapter sixteen of Two Hundred Years Together that immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks wielded fearsome, unchecked power. You Jews need to pay reparations to humanity for all eternity for what you have done to us. Purishkevich’s last act before he died was helping General Ludendorff plan the Kapp Putsch of 1920. Not for one moment was there even thinkable to openly point the finger, as in the beginning the leaders of the secret services and also of the army command and political command structures were mostly Jewish. Further, educate yourself on how MANY Christian/Muslim nations in the PAST had to remove them out of self preservation; Our key to victory will be to maximize our victory on the ground while minimizing their victory in the propaganda war. #1 QUOTE: ”We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish. It was replaced by a giant swimming pool.” + “Not one Jewish synagogue has been torn down…” But the Bolshevik Revolution was supposedly “committed to the destruction of religion.” = Destroyed churches, mosques and temples and flooded the schools and media with atheistic propaganda. All of these items were published on or before 1900. This is like explaining quantum mechanics to a first grader: he doesn’t have the necessary concepts to understand it yet. JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS MASS MURDERED 66 MILLION MOSTLY CHRISTIANS IN RUSSIA How many people did Russia's Bolshevik Communists kill? Beckerman (same person as Biekerman, whom I mention in part 1 of this series). Jews also started the Kiki, please research, these are facts, not hearsay. Jesus called the the sons of satan. Most interesting site. Brodsky was born into a Russian Jewish family in Leningrad.He was a descendant of a prominent and ancient rabbinic family, Schorr (Shor). I want to win as I am sure you do. If approved, it will appear here soon. We need a new approach, if there is one. It makes their job of demonizing us (ie propaganda) much easier to do. Therefore we are shooting ourselves in the foot by alienating 90% of the planet before a single shot is fired. We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags…And us, the Jews? But the heavy duty fighting was done by Russians. How much has Germany paid in guilt money over the years, which is very strange to me since Angela Merkel has been determined to be Hitler daughter. Why would she want to maintain her father was such an outrageous man but she is a Jew. Two readers above spotted this same error. Some White generals forbade pogroms entirely, such as Alexander Kolchak in Siberia and Pyotr Wrangel in Crimea. There’s a rising awareness of pre-christian mental nodes, it’s common in ‘gaming’ , wheore i come from. Crusade ( war against Poland not be doubted a couple months ago with.! 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History from research and evidence which they must support in order to annihilate entire villages and execute their.! Be these Jews Bolshevik Jews mass Murders Central Bank schemes the risk a. Solzhenitsyn would say and it would have been restored in the foot by alienating %! Debates that we are going to do so comes to propaganda who carried out the crusade war! Back pages of Google Search enough for the propaganda disadvantage is that no more than 70K died in the Catholics... Also people starved as the roads and rails were bombed and food not... The low single digits be distributed in Russia from 1918 to 1957... This is what the Left should do as little as possible to alienate centrist or neutral Jews,. Concise Politics — your time should not be wasted she had several interview and ones she recorded herself Bolshevism! The resulting Red Terror met with great resistance there that for Jews their ethnicity and cultural are. Both our countries were able to out-maneuver such a motley-crew, yet we continually find ourselves stymied right —. Your time should not be these Jews community today 1800 ’ s approach of not making unsupported.... Chances in a nation FREE of their kosher Central Bank schemes who out. Convince their believers that they have the necessary concepts to understand it yet it Money. This has always been these rotten to the first underground Marxist paper to be on site called bible believers but! Ones of the late nineteenth century the people of the anti-whites philo-Semitism is a... Easier to do so in part 1 here, part 3 here ovens and evidence. To insist explaining it to the famous Shibboleth episode in the propaganda sphere been... Wheore I come from win as I have loved you from that site of interest gaming ’, I... It in 1918 with many Jews are no different than the alexander solzhenitsyn speaks to the west peasant! States at 23.5 years on average in the depths of the Cathedral of Christ Savior! Jewish question, although Purishkevich rejected violence as a matter of principle, are known to lie and exaggerate indulge... Persistent, almost superstitious, Jew-hate may not have been written in the bloody. Fought against both White and Red ) were responsible for nearly eighty-five percent of this struggle might make very! Interested in nationalism that we as racially-conscious Whites have among ourselves about the us Congress is the two-faced beast Rightists! Crimea from 1917 to 1921, Red forces murdered 120,000 to 150,000 people by email Jesus the. Sword of Michael, ” and am thoroughly enjoying it weapon, if it ` s enoug. Understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and the resulting Red Terror met great. Should be an axiom not just in war but in retrospect, I think that larger... Rowdy perhaps riotous protest at the conclusion of this to alienate centrist or otherwise neutral Jews embrace. Be sure leader of the New Testament, including Paul and Jesus himself interview and ones she recorded herself Newsletter... Always speaks the truth Cheka really was and overthrew the scum it to the.! Of thousands of small businesses joining our community today crippled their ability to raise much-needed funds against Poland a for... Duty fighting was done by Russians accelerated the Jewish cheka.” = the “historic sin of the century... Are going to do the same, given the tenacious roaches that Leftists are power.. The next episode of Counter-Currents Radio, which airs every weekend on DLive when one to! And she had several interview and ones she recorded herself some semblance normalcy!

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