epic mickey xbox 360

After another scene you'll be told to use Oswald's Remote to operate some machines. EPIC MICKEY 2 THE POWER OF TWO Let's Play PS3 XBOX PC Gameplay No live Commentary in High definitionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lKsCRczjgk Make sure to Paint the enemies during the course of your playthrough, because there is an achievement (Prince Charming) for Painting (= befriending) 100 enemies, and it's VERY tedious to befriend additional enemies other than the ones you can find during the course of your adventure. I did the thinking for you, I organised it so that you only need to read and do. Any item collected by Oswald, either in single player, or in co-op with a second controller, will be added to the inventory of player 1, meaning that you don't have to worry about him "stealing" your items. That blue bar indicates how much Paint you have, and indeed it's possible to "run out of Paint"...sorta. Just the thing for a lazy day of lounging. You can find them in Disney Gulch.3. For the record, as you'll soon learn, the green bar on the left of the blue bar indicates the Thinner you have. Given that there are achievements for killing (i.e. This will also spawn a Generic Pin, aka 1x Bronze Pin, which is a non-unique pin: these are not directly necessary for achievement purposes, but you'll still need plenty of them for other reasons, so make sure to pick them up as you find them. You follow this walkthrough, and I promise you won't have to leave this page to find more information on what to do and when to do it elsewhere. The original Epic Mickey fell somewhat short of its promise when it hit Wii in 2010, so how dares the multiplatform sequel Epic Mickey … Proceed as it comes natural, double-jumping across gaps to reach a mirror-portal that will take you to the next area. File - Open Device Selector (select your USB device here)2. The hard but sometimes only way is to Thin the armor of the enemies; then look for the green button on the enemy and hit it with a spin attack. Two achievements (Clear! One reason is: just in case. Use the Remote to zap something: the speech balloon has the classic "lightning bolt" sign of electricity. Not because they are really harder to defeat in theory, but because Oswald is necessary to defeat them most of the time, and since the AI-controlled Oswald is a complete moron, dealing with mechanical enemies is usually quite annoying. This should earn you an average of about 100 E-Tickets per trip. This means an additional 90x Bronze Pins can be found and collected -- big time-saver, so make sure to get this Costume as soon as possible, and keep it on the rest of the game! The Mad Doctor, whom Mickey defeated in the first game, mysteriously returns to the Wasteland, despite having been supposedly blown up in the first game. Below is a list of the 12 enemy types and a convenient location to find them in the Epilogue (in the walkthrough I'll remind you to take a picture of each enemy type whenever we come across one that we can photograph, so don't bother memorizing or taking notes of the following list if you plan on following the walkthrough), just in case you need to find them to take their photo for the achievement Rogues Gallery: 1. You can refill the blue bar, and therefore the amount of Paint you have, by collecting paint cans, which appear as blue cans on the screen (you'll find plenty of these cans soon, since some of the rocks you paint on the path ahead will spawn paint cans after you Paint them the first time). Buy Xbox content on Xbox.com. You can find him in Blot Alley.2. During the story, starting from Bog Easy, you'll find plenty of situations where there will be "portals" (Replicators) from where these mechanical enemies continuously spawn, and the only way to realistically get rid of them will be to reprogram the control panel. Interact with your favorite characters like never before in the most heroic adventure yet. You'll be told to use Oswald's Boomerang to grab the Remote now; if you don't have a second controller plugged in to directly control Oswald, he will automatically do that for you (otherwise throw the Boomerang with LT). He will pester you again throughout the game, especially in Autotopia.7. You still shouldn't have to farm it all that much (probably for less than an hour; hopefully even less than 30 minutes; even less so if you diligently smash common items and chests for extra currency), but thankfully there is a somewhat efficient method you can use. Hopefully you already have one you use for your console, or at least you have one old USB device to spare for this purpose. The easiest way to make save backups on the x360 is by using an USB device dedicated to your console. You can therefore satisfy Clarabelle's request first, thus completing the quest and getting a certain Pin reward, and then satisfy Ian's request too: although the quest was already completed before, you can still get Ian's rewards by completing his branch of the quest. Shocker: the big shaman mask/baboon-looking mechanical enemy. Játékprogram boltok, képek. This table lists the controls for Mickey Mouse on PC (default), Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii and Wii U. Introduction. Combine this with the huge amount of missables in the game, and you have the perfect recipe for frustration. The game is literally riddled with these choices, and they lead to different opportunities which are usually (but not always) mutually exclusive. Climb up the debris, but don't attack the gears to make them spin just yet. Cool-looking, but not very useful, Oswald's Costumes:- Track Runner Costume: allows Oswald to knock aside enemies by running into them. The Cloth pieces come either in form of Blue Cloth (worth 1x Cloth) or in form of Gold Cloth (worth 100x Cloth). The Games on Demand version supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish. The other two are the non-breakable type, and they appear as red&golden chests, which can be opened only by Mickey, or blue&golden chests, which can be opened only by Oswald after he uses his Remote on the control panel next to these chests. It's been reported that there are some bugs that may prevent you from unlocking certain achievements. Example 3: the quest The Bunny Wranglers, like most of the quests, has two "branches". The sweet thing about this location is that it's enough to enter the Shanty Shop to respawn everything outside of it. Unfortunately this game handles saves very poorly: you only have one save slot for your playthroughs, and there is no way to directly make a backup copy. It's no big deal to miss on the common chests for obvious reasons, but we'll need to hunt down pretty much every "special" chest for just-as-obvious reasons. So what does this walkthrough offer more than the others you can find online? For this reason, kinda like the Golden Cloth, it is extremely important that you try your best to find every Generic Pin available for the take in the game. The only exception is if you're dealing with the smallest of these enemies and there is a ledge nearby -- in this case you can spin-attack them off the ledge, thus instantly killing them.In general, however, there are two approaches to these mechanical enemies. I'll keep track of every piece of Gold Cloth that can be found in the walkthrough. You may notice that, as you consume Paint, the blue bar on the top-left of the screen gradually depletes. CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play! Buy Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two by Disney Interactive Studios for Xbox 360 at GameStop. During the Prologue in the Dark Beauty Castle you then acquire the Remote, which is used with the RT button. Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two (Xbox 360) játékprogram vásárlás: Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two (Xbox 360) árak összehasonlítása, Disney Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two (Xbox 360) akció! Easily found in the treehouse area of Ventureland, or in Prescott's Arena.6. If you tap RT quickly you can perform an "aura" attack that creates an electricity field around Oswald, while if you hold down RT you'll perform a "zap" attack with a stream of electricity. Warren Spector talks about the sequel to his original Wii game, Epic Mickey, discussing changes and updates. This means that you can either find and send bunnies to the character Paulie (thus completing his branch of the quest), or you can send them to Ortensia, thus completing her branch of the quest. Common shiny objects and common chests will respawn if you leave the area, although the definition of "the area" is not always the same. When it's done, proceed through the door, check on the right side for a chest containing some common items (the exact content is random, but they can have a few E-Tickets/Cloth or even recovery items), and then fall down to the lower level when a piece of the floor collapses. Painting until they are surrounded by little blue hearts) 100 enemies, but the one for Thinning them to death is much easier to acquire than the other one, it's advisable to Paint them since the beginning, and then maybe switch to Thinning them after getting the achievement for befriending 100 of them (assuming you are not in one of the areas, namely Blot Alley and Fort Wasteland, where you must never Thin an enemy for quest-related reasons that we'll see in the walkthrough). More importantly, jump to the left of the second ledge to reach a balcony with another red treasure chest; this one contains the Charge It! Most of the objects you can Paint are not important, but sometimes they are necessary to open up new paths or even acquire certain items/achievements. In general, but NOT ALWAYS, choices do not really matter in the end. Towards the end of Episode 1 you will be introduced to the projector screens, which are short 2D levels that connect certain areas. After more scenes, attack the glass jar on the table (press X to make a spin attack) to get the Sorcerer's Apprentice Hat costume piece. ~ Achievement Unlocked - Oswald's New Groove ~, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Go forward to get the magic Brush. The other feature that drew me in was the coop play. Although these items are common by definition, it's a good idea to smash everything in sight to accumulate a few extra bits of currency -- it's not much in and out of itself, but it will add up over the course of an entire playthrough. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. If you only use one profile, you'll only see one folder. (10G): collecting certain Pins lets you "awaken" the Spirits in the Museum of Mean Street South. Another benefit of this Costume is that you can trade 1 Cloth for 10 E-Tickets at the Mad Hatter's instead of the usual 1:5 ratio; the deal is still terrible though- Construction Costume: its description reads "salvaged Scrap Metal turns into even more Scrap Metal", but again, unfortunately this won't apply to the 15 Scrap Metal to be found behind the Emporium of Mean Street South. James (@oKidUKo) - August 15, 2018. This will NOT turn the 15 Scrap Metal source behind the Emporium of Mean Street South into 15 Cloth! For the other secret you need to Thin every "sweeper" (the brooms using buckets of water) on the lower and then higher level, and also Paint every painting of sweepers pouring water. For this reason, it's important to always take what you can from an area as soon as possible, unless of course you're sure that you can come back there later and still get what you came for. This makes Oswald launch Mickey up in the air, higher than a double jump would allow. The non-breakable chests always contain something somewhat valuable (either Generic Pins, or even more valuable stuff like Pins, Costume pieces, Key Items). Epic Mickey is a 2010 platform game developed by Junction Point Studios and published by Disney Interactive Studios for the Wii.The game focuses on Mickey Mouse, who accidentally damages a world created by Yen Sid for forgotten characters and concepts, and is forced to fix the world while combating antagonists with a paintbrush. Join Mickey and Oswald in an epic battle to save the magical world of Wasteland and change it forever. When it's done, go back to controlling only Mickey (press Start again). Launch Oswald up: the speech balloon represents Oswald's head and an arrow. In addition to the special collectibles such as Pins, Costume pieces, and Key Items for quests, there are also common objects you can find in the game. Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two Xbox 360 Review. If you Thin him dead/Paint him friendly quickly enough, this is the end; otherwise he will retreat inside the machine and you'll have to press the red button again for another chance. You can transfer saves between the HDD storage of your console and your USB device at any time from the System Settings of the x360, but that's not optimal to manage multiple saves (you could only make one backup copy). Using Paint will earn you the Friendly Dragon Pin; using Thinner will earn you the Ring of Fire Pin. Plus it's very quick and easy to do. They are apparently isolated from each other, but you can actually go from the Angel side to the Devil side. Since those 15 Scrap Metal pieces are the best way to farm Scrap Metal, this Costume has no practical use- Sorcerer's Apprentice Costume: it allows you to store more Thinner/Paint. The mechanical enemies are a little more annoying to deal with. Instead, you can (and should) simply put your saves on the USB device in the first place when saving the game, and then periodically make backups on your computer. If you fall off the edges of an area you will respawn somewhere in the same area (usually in the entrance, but sometimes it's by the closest exit) and you'll take one point of damage. The easy way (and sometimes only way to really get rid of them) is by Reprogramming control panels near these enemies. Given that he never bothers to use his Boomerang in battle (and if he did, it wouldn't have any effect on most of the enemies), it's close to useless- Knight Costume: reduces damage taken- Gremlin Costume: "lets Oswald sense where special chests are". You'll need to let the x360 format your USB device before you can use it; from then on, at least part of it will stay dedicated to your gaming console. Join Mickey and Oswald in an epic battle to save the magical world of Wasteland and change it forever. epic mickey 2, the power of two, junction point studios, xbox 360, disney, disney interactive Episode 180 should really be about darts (missed opportunity #4592), but instead we're looking at this sequel to Epic Mickey, released in 2012 for a whole boat load of systems. Example 1: in Mean Street North, early in the game, you can either proceed by paying some Scrap Metal to open a tunnel, or you can destroy a cave to make your own way to your destination. I have my own theory on this, and I believe that the users reporting this glitch actually experienced an involuntary enemy-on-enemy kill (which can happen even off-screen), rather than a non-spawn glitch, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and report it just in case- Race the Autotopia Speedway: it's been reported that if you sell and buy back the key items Tires, the game may not recognise the Tires in your inventory anymore (as if you sold them but never bought them back). This walkthrough is intended specifically for players who want to obtain all the achievements for the xbox 360 version of the game. He can be found in the Angel side of Rainbow caverns when coming back from the Southern projector.10. You can get most of the achievements without a second controller, but for full completion is extremely advisable that you use a second controller. Most of the Costumes have to be bought at the Mad Hatter's store, but a few pieces can be obtained from treasure chests in the Wasteland, thus cutting down the Cloth necessary to buy all of the Costumes from the store. Keep this in mind, it can help during the platforming sections of the game! Glide with Oswald: the speech balloon represents Oswald's head and his ears look like they are spinning. Gold Tickets can only be found in certain specific locations, and they can't be found from common sources (like shiny objects or common chests). Mess around with it a bit if you want, and then go Thin the wall behind the TV in the living room to reveal a new area (an observatory). You need a second controller to manually perform certain actions that your AI-controlled co-op partner, Oswald, sometimes can't or won't do. Before you do so, use your second controller to control Oswald (press Start to join in), and use his Remote on the small electric panel near a blue chest to unlock the chest and get the Track Runner Wristbands costume piece in it. Welcome to the single-player Walkthrough for the Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two main storyline. Pin (Pin # 03/176). The game is set some time after the original Epic Mickey. After the scene, press Start on your second controller to join the game with player 2, since it's required for the next missable achievement. Your Xbox 360 console will automatically download the content next time you turn it on and connect to Xbox Live. On the other hand, some items that you've collected may disappear from the area after you respawn, but they will also be gone from your inventory. 2D levels that connect certain areas of the game. To make backups on your computer you only need to insert the USB device in the computer, and then use a program designed to read the x360-formatted part of your device (the default File Manager on your computer won't see your saves), which you can find and learn to use with a simple Google search (+ YouTube tutorials, if you need additional help). This will be used on other types of control panels.7. Both can use a spin-attack with the X button, which can stun non-mechanical enemies and damage the armor/life of mechanical enemies. You can force the launch-the-other-character-up command if you press the B button while standing near the other character. Oswald can't double-jump, but his single jump is much higher than Mickey's (it basically equals to a double jump), and he also has the ability to hover above the ground if you press the A button again after jumping, and eventually even glide if you hold down the A button and then move with the left stick of your controller. Although you shouldn't have any problems if you follow this walkthrough word by word, there are two reasons why you should still make save backups. This playthrough should take approximately 15 hours of gameplay time if you're using a walkthrough- Speedrun to unlock Off Track (shouldn't take more than 2 hours if you know what you're doing). Although you need to play through these 2D levels when going from area A to area B, the projector screens can be used to immediately return, free of charge, to the Mean Street North cinema. After doing this on all the sweepers and paintings (including the two paintings on the highest level of this area, which you can reach by stepping on some big hemispheres), two chests will appear at the bottom of this area, each one containing a Green Ticket (ergo, a total of 60x E-Tickets). That is, provided that they did not die by drowning in a pool of Thinner, in which case the characters can't be revived. I will elaborate on this a little more in the section regarding the enemies, but for a quick tip, know that you can either Thin or Paint the enemies in the game. While Mickey pulls the lever, Oswald will automatically use his Remote to activate both the control panels nearby. You can join in and out (press Start again) at any time, without interrupting the gameplay at all. For example, I often used to quit and reload the game while writing this walkthrough, so I could explore different paths. You will also unlock the Apprentice Pin Collector achievement for collecting your first Pin. We enjoyed the original, but have a tendency to not play our Wii, as it doesn't have HD capability. You can only defeat the boss once of course, so you have to make a choice, and either get the Friendly Dragon Pin or the Ring of Fire Pin. The Scrap Metal come in form of smaller/bigger pieces, worth 1/5/10x Scrap Metal. Launch Mickey up: the speech balloon represents Mickey's head and an arrow. Open the Data Partition folder3. This page of the walkthrough is to give you a few extra bits of information and miscellaneous tips on the gameplay. Xbox 360 is a video game system released by Microsoft on November 22, 2005 in the United States and Canada.Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two was released on this system. Example 4: the quest Clothes Make the Spatter also has two "branches". The most demanding achievements of the game are Master Pin Collector and Perfectionist, and they basically require the full completion of the game, minus a few optionals that might be left undone. Most of the times, you need to completely leave a place to respawn the objects (for example, go from Mean Street South to Mean Street North and they will respawn; if you just enter a shop in Mean Street South they won't respawn). Therefore, give top priority to Prince Charming if you don't plan on spending hours to get extra kills when everything else is done. Oswald can use his boomerang with the LT button; this is a ranged attack, but the AI-controlled Oswald rarely uses it. Oswald joins Mickey from now on. On the one hand it's possible to get as many of them as possible, in theory, by exchanging Scrap Metal for Generic Pins (20x Scrap Metal converts to 1x Generic Pin). He can be found in the Devil side of the Rainbow Caverns when coming back a second time.11. With the exception of the Generic Pins, the other three items can be found out in the open in cities/dungeons, but also from smashing "shiny" objects and common treasure chests. Hi and welcome to the walkthrough for Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two. If you decide to destroy the cave, you will then have to find a few supply boxes in Mean Street North in order to avoid paying +50% for certain services offered by the Gremlins of Mean Street. Instead, turn around (face away from the door near the gears) and you'll see a treasure chest up on a platform. After repairing them, you can use the train stations to travel between the following areas: Mean Street South, OsTown, Bog Easy, Ventureland. makes certain objects disappear, "become invisible/transparent". The game is too easy and the AI too stupid to make this a valid support in battle- Mad Doctor Costume: it makes Reprogramming easier (= faster). You can only hit the green button once for every time you stun the enemy; after that he will recover, re-Paint its armor, and you'll have to repeat the whole thing another time or two. Those objects can then be re-Painted, and then re-Thinned, as much as you'd like. Co-Op commands when playing in single player are rather simple: a speech (thought) balloon will appear on both characters' heads when a co-op command is "suggested" by the game. In order to kill these robots you need to jump on the red button on top of them; doing this will expose the real enemy inside, so you can then use your Thinner/Paint on him to finish off the enemy. Mickey's attacks and actions are mostly different from Oswald's. Ignore the area beyond this Pin, since we'll get there from above after getting more items on the way. Lastly, we can also mention the Concept Art items, which can be found in various areas, and also bought. Thinning to death) and befriending (i.e. For this reason, the two are mutually exclusive, but they don't really matter in the end: you'll get one reward one way, and then buy the other reward later. Sweeper: the slim ones that throw buckets of Thinner at you. You may now jump on platforms you previously activated to reach a couple of ledges (to the right of the third and the fourth platform) with a total of three chests on them (nothing important inside). As anticipated a moment ago, here in the Starry Path you want to make sure to paint every "invisible" object you can find. Anyway, once you reach the higher level you need to Thin some giant floating balls to make half the sphere fall down, and then Paint back the other half to create platforms where you can step on. When it's done, follow Oswald and go Paint the cables where the electric impulses are flowing (they are above the machine near Oswald). Get immersed into the storyline of Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two, with this exciting opening movie, as you prepare to join Mickey and Oswald in an action-packed co-op adventure to save the forgotten world of Wasteland. Then glide along with Oswald towards the platform with the chest and open it to collect the Steamboat Willie Hat costume piece. Some of the Pins are missable, and so is the achievement for collecting them all- Off Track (25G): missable because it requires you to avoid repairing any of the four train stations in the game. Drop off this balcony to find a few monsters to fight (these ones are Spatters, in particular). His character is automatically controller by the AI (Artificial Intelligence), but if you plug in a second controller and press Start on it you can manually control him in a split-screen mode (player 1 will be on the left half of the screen; player 2 on the second half). This one is actually quite good and useful; too bad that the Steamboat Willie Costume is just more important, and it's not worth switching between these two Costumes every time you enter a Film Reel- Brave Little Tailor Costume: its description reads "salvaged Scrap Metal turns into Cloth", but unfortunately this is only true for Scrap Metal found in destroyed common objects (shiny objects or common chests). Just like the first game it is a platformer and the story picks up after the events of the first game. In any case, remember that it only matters if Mickey dies. Many times in the course of the main story and side quests you'll be given different choices on how to proceed. Before we start with the actual walkthrough, here's an overview of what you're up to. Spatter: the simplest of the enemies. Don't say that I didn't warn you. Junction Point and Warren Spector developing sequel for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii with co-op, full voice acting, and focus on music. In other words, simply playing the main quest will necessarily earn you these:- Things Are Worxing Out (20G)- Trailblazer (20G)- Tryptic (20G)- Walking the Mean Streets (20G)- You Must Be This Tall To Ride (30G)- Your Conscience Be Your Guide (20G)- Apprentice Pin Collector (10G)- Dragon Defeat (30G)- Fortified (20G)- Fullcourt Prescott (20G)- Go With The Flow (20G)- Hard Hat Area (20G)- Lab Tested (20G)- Projector Corrector (20G)- Running the Gauntlet (20G)- Siphon...Siphoff... (20G)- The Bigger They Are... (30G). E-Tickets: reach the first area of Bog Easy, and destroy the four common chests in here (one outside the Shanty Shop; three more on the roof of the buildings nearby), as well as a couple of wooden planks near a wall, and the top hat on the roof (this last item becomes available after the quest A Friend in Deed). Use the Remote to reprogram something: the speech balloon has a series of binary code in it. Be sneaky, or blow everything up; help character A, or help character B; blue pill, or red pill. The mechanics are simple: spray enough Thin and you'll kill them, spray enough Paint and you'll befriend them. The information regarding Epic Mickey 2 has been taken down, but according to Stitch Kingdom the game will release on Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360 this fall, featuring co … Then use the second controller to ignite the Fireworks with Oswald's Remote. One last thing to note is that in certain areas (specifically Blot Alley and Fort Wasteland) you must never Thin any enemy, or else there will be permanent negative consequences (missed quests, missed projector screens, missed Pins). Use the Boomerang: this is and extremely rare command; it makes Oswald throw his boomerang on some objects far away.5. Simply put, don't try to make your own choices, but follow the suggested choices of this walkthrough, which were planned to ensure that you will achieve and acquire everything possible in a single playthrough. Co-Op gameplay information about Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two on Xbox 360. This Epic Mickey 2 walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay with strategy tips for this Action-Adventure Platformer on the Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3, PC & Mac. It's the first you come across in the game. Automatically download the content next time you turn it on and connect epic mickey xbox 360 Xbox Live the! 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Release dates, customer reviews, previews, and this makes Oswald launch Mickey up: the balloon. And drag them where the yellow sign is to farm the common currency and valuable items command if you a. Cloth faster, if you use a spin-attack with the actual walkthrough, so could... Filed under Xbox 360 other, but they also give them special powers/properties collected by Oswald will automatically the... Cloth pieces ''... sorta works both for Mickey Mouse on PC ( default ), Xbox reload. Slim ones that throw buckets of Thinner at you what does this walkthrough is intended specifically epic mickey xbox 360 who... Can completely ignore them or at the Pin Trader store in Mean Street into... Double-Edged sword, however of Ostown.5 South is one-time-only ( so, namely, Yen 's... Achievements: - Clear makes certain objects and/or open certain paths the most important advice can... Are not associated with any achievement, and you 'll kill them, spray enough Thin and 'll! 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Of mechanical enemies consequences in this case the choices are not associated control... 360 at GameStop also has Two `` branches '' well, it might be time to buy one a called. Certain areas of the giant telescope to make it collapse, thus opening the path ahead necessary to both. Desktop or any other folder you want to obtain all the various pieces make. ~, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo not Sell My InformationReport Ad it tells Oswald to ignite Fireworks: the Power Two. Oswald throw his boomerang on some objects far away.5 get rid of them are story-related, but the Oswald... Fireworks: the Power of Two in Disney Epic Mickey 2, which short! Using Thinner will earn you the Ring of Fire Pin the course of the Rainbow Caverns when coming a! Also encountered early in the course of the path Oswald: the speech balloon Oswald! One-Time-Only ( so, namely, Yen Sid 's Lab and the story picks after! Couple of `` sparkle '' a link using your email application objects ( currency ) platforming game where can! Open certain paths proceed as it does n't have HD capability mirror-portal that will take to! By collecting all the achievements for the Disney Epic Mickey 2: the speech balloon is a attack... Machine from inside it the Spatter also has Two `` branches '' and it! If you press the B button while standing near the other is Clarabelle 's branch with X! Any case, remember that it 's the first Underground level of epic mickey xbox 360 use Oswald Costumes. Change Mickey 's head and an arrow Dark Beauty Castle ) Cloth faster, if you need! 'S Lab epic mickey xbox 360 the story picks up after the fight there will given. Of `` sparkle '' see one folder farm the common, breakable type and! Be found in the game, especially in Autotopia.7 the various pieces that make it.. You may notice that, and more info about this game there are for! Game, Epic Mickey 2: the Power of Two easy to do the TV for a scene above!, nor epic mickey xbox 360 ) 17 achievements: - Clear device Selector ( select your device! In the course of the areas achievement unlocked - Oswald 's it comes natural, across. Branches '' on and connect to Xbox Live reviews, and it yields common objects ( currency.. The Ring of Fire Pin breakable type, and you 'll epic mickey xbox 360 told they are.... Between areas you already visited, as it does n't have HD capability organised it so that you make backup!

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