most dangerous comic book villains

Even if that meant he racked up more failures than kills. Robot howler monkeys? Chilling. This is partly why supe Well for me that honor would have to go to none other than Superman’s classic and most dangerous foe Brainiac. $8.10. Harleen Frances Quinzel was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum when she met the lunatic known as The Joker. But on his 21st birthday, he learned that his induction into the mafia was no coincidence: he was the latest in a long line of men entrusted with The Darkness: an ancient force granting its host nearly limitless power. So what do you think of our list? Guy can’t catch a break.[6]. The maniacal Joker is Batman’s most dangerous foe. He is a little obsessed with lists. If looking like a giant tarantula was his goal, he may want to consider covering his wicked-witch-from-Snow-White-face. One panel even addresses this; regarding his marvellous moniker a character quips “…calls himself…ready for this? This diabolical chicken period looks a lot less anti-Asian nowadays but he still seems to be a giant, cybernetically enhanced egg. Dr. Victor Von Doom has been one of the most feared and sinister super villains ever to be published in a comic book. Speaking of good ole’ racial insensitivity—enter, Egg Fu. Most of these villains have their own reasons to choose … All these villains are different from each other and have their own ways to traumatize our hero. His alien partner came to the rescue, but left its child behind, soon entering Kasady's bloodstream - and just like that, Carnage was born. But not any old jack-booted supremacists, oh no! Magneto wants the humans to take their rightful place, behind his own kind. ), 10 Real-Life Inspirations For Comic Book Characters, First Appearance: Human Torch Comics #27, 1947. [2], Hey, men, have you ever been told that you aren’t tall enough? To hate the way good manners have gone out f fashion. So the ‘Four Pests’ campaign (amongst other missteps) cased the death of tens of millions of people? Top Ten Most Dangerous Comic Book Villains 1: Galactus 2: The Joker And here we are. Somebody should have mentioned that to the Marvel writers back in the 80’s. Did he get a fat cheque from the government? Killing the batter with a ball to the head sent him on his path of murders-for-hire, becoming one of the deadliest assassins the Marvel Universe has ever seen. Gracias, caped crusader. This entry is about the other, far less impressive comic creation. What was most horrifying about the murderous rampages that followed wasn't the villain's powers, but placing them in Kasady's hands. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Although the darker side of his character may be more than a little crazed, it still has access to the brilliant intelligence and knowledge of Gotham’s underworld. Flush with cash and realizing his love of murder, Arcade became a globetrotting assassin. Villains of the comic book series W.I.T.C.H. Wanted the World's Most Dangerous Villains (1972) comic books. Every fan may have their favourite, but The Joker is so fragmented and crazed, it's impossible to even call one version more faithful than any other. The Marvel villain known as Arcade learned there’s good money in killing, and as is usually the case, bigger is better. Popular in the 1970's, DC began several reprint titles, this bi-monthly title focused on Golden Age/ Silver Age villains of the DC Universe. No? Characters like the Joker, the Green Goblin, and Lex Luthor are popular and well-known, even more so than a lot of superheroes. )[7], First Appearance: Spider-Woman #33, 1980 (yes, that’s 1980, not 1908). 4 for $5’[10], 10 Of The Most Offensive Superheroes In The History Of Comics. Take a journey into the dark minds of DC's most dangerous super-villains! Who says insanity and homicidal tendencies can’t be profitable? Don’t be fooled by the lack of a gun or club, either: The Kingpin prefers to kill with his bare hands, and whatever furniture is nearby. This is Spider Man, not Spiderman, the subtle gap is all important. No one knows his story, his motivations, or his endgame - but everyone knows his name: Joker. When Turner, originally named Clifford F Michaels, is orphaned he is taken in by the millionaire and raised as his adopted son. But his cheesy name is the least lame thing about him—that would be his raison d’être. Read the entry title again. They are dangerous foes and strange creatures with supernatural powers, fighting prowess, and deadly cunning who poses a threat to the W.I.T.C.H. Try reading this premise from ‘All-new Batman: The Brave and the Bold’ #8 without immediately washing your eyes with acid—Blue Snowman crashes the marriage between Batman and Wonder Woman along with a host of evil-doers which include such formidable foes as Amoeba Man, Angle Man, Crimson Centipede, Fireworks Man, Mouse Man, and Paper-Man. It’s hard to think of a villain who is more ‘of their time’ than Asbestos Lady. As one of the few comic criminals who is neither good or evil, Jackie Estacado began his life as an orphan, adopted into the Franchetti crime family at the tender age of 6. [8], First Appearance: The Defenders #32, 1976, Some say the human brain is like a powerful computer network. Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains Comic Books: Show Covers only: Sales Rank #1,232 See Top 2,500 Publisher DC • Super-hero Ages_7-12 Ages_13-16 First Issue #1 - July 1972 Last #9 - August 1973 Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Villains comic books are a collection of reprinted stories featuring the best stories starring villains from the DC universe of comic books. If Humpty-Dumpty had always seemed a bit weird and unsettling to you, why not add in some casual racism? Despite calling the vast nothingness of the Canadian prairies home (or perhaps because of it) film and television have been a passion since birth. Stories by Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff, Charles Paris, Ed (France) Herron, Lee Elias, John Broome, Gil Kane, and Joe Giella. She burns, burns, burns but never burns herself. There are comic villains and then there are super villains—the Joker, the Penguin, Thanos—characters who made books, movies and TV shows much more entertaining and unforgettable. A villain doesn't need superpowers or a plan for global domination to be dangerous - a fact proven by our list of deadliest comic criminals. *shudder*[5], 10 Comic Book Heroes Who Could Theoretically Exist, First Appearance: Marvel Mystery Comics #26, 1941. What does he learn from his surrogate dad? Making his first kill at the age of 16, Jackie would become the family’s most skilled and ruthless hitman, doing more than just killing his targets to send a message. Spider-Man knew that the Alien symbiotic behind his black suit was bad news, and when it merged with Eddie Brock to become Venom, his most popular enemy was born - but not his most dangerous. Wanted the World's Most Dangerous Villains (1972) #1. She burns, burns, burns but... 9 Egg Fu. Cover by Murphy Anderson. Couple of problems though—COPD, asbestosis, ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. Seriously.[9]. Batman deserves a night off anyways. ... View market values for books, store your collection, and meet fellow comic fans! Adrian Toomes was an electronics engineer who … The well-known "Hush" storyline saw Riddler pulling the strings behind every single Batman villain as part of his plan to bring down Bruce Wayne once and for all. We start off with an, (albeit poorly named), villain who isn’t half bad! And no arms. 20 Most Dangerous Supervillains Without Any Powers At All 20 Harley Quinn. What is it, gorilla fur? From Frank Miller’s Born Again to Alan Moore’s Watchmen , the storytelling medium changed to a much grittier, realistic, and dangerous platform. Featuring villains such as Signalman, the Puppeteer, Clock King, the Joker, the Mist, Captain Cold and Mr. Who. Born with a rare genetic condition that caused his skin to grow hard and scaly like a reptile, Waylon Jones was an outcast, bullied by schoolmates and abused and abandoned by an alcoholic aunt. In the hands of Jackie, the power to create any weapon or creature as long as he stayed in the shadows was a perfect fit, seeking vengeance on all who had wronged him in the past. In Wakanda, trying to secure vibranium for the Nazi war effort, The Armless Tiger Man gets shot in the head and sent straight to…Hades, where all dead Nazis go, I guess. Get the rest of the human race to adopt a small, plastic head. Bragging to New York’s Daily Bugle about his many kills and the fact that he “never misses” put Daredevil on his tail – and the two have been at war ever since. As a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a degree in English Literature, Andrew has grown to appreciate the story and writing behind everything from blockbuster comic book movies to schlocky B-movie action. But becoming a soldier of fortune for villains like The Kingpin wasn’t enough – Bullseye wanted fame as well. A mugger? He must be baking. The Whisperers are listed here as a group, even though their original leader Alpha was such a deranged and dangerous villain on her own. The Most Popular Comic Book Super-Villains of All Times. Thanks, communism! Corny…Real corny”. The Shadow King is a … Edited by E. Nelson Bridwell. Mako, one of the most dangerous villains in Savage Dragon history, got an upgrade in today's Savage Dragon #256. Batman managed to trick this festive beast into using all its powers at once which makes it disintegrate, thus saving the South American nation from its insurgent rebel tormentors, returning the citizenry to living under (probably) their even worse current dictator. Spiderman doesn’t suck, how dare you!” Ok, OK, settle down Mary Jane. Top 10 Worst Comic Supervillains 10 Asbestos Lady. Hulksta here, and I'm bringing you my personal picks for the top 100 villains in comic books and graphic novels. Luthor is one of the most dangerously intelligent men on the planet and has been described as a ‘power mad’ evil scientist, industrialist and a villain all rolled into one. He may not be a supervillain, but a man with his talents for organized crime who can beat Daredevil and Spider- Man in a fight deserves more credit than he’s usually given. Over the years, Batman's arch-nemesis has been portrayed as a serial killer, a crime boss, a madman, and an agent of chaos, in nearly every form of entertainment. Superheroes may rely on supervillains for action and drama, seeing their powers turned against them or pushed to their limits, but you don’t need heat vision or super-strength to be truly terrifying. But when the murder game became too boring, he hatched a different plan: he’d build his own deathtrap known as “Murderworld,” and drop his targets into the fatal theme park to give them a fighting chance. John Romita Sr. replaced Ditko starting with the Rhino. He may have required some gadgets to get the job done, but an everyday criminal who can take down Batman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter deserves some respect. Turner goes on a rampage using his flamethrower umbrella and flying bicycle and a magical horn that has the power to kill people under the age of 65…how rude! With more matured themes coming up, the entire comic book landscape changed when comics were no longer just for kids. Tiger. I know—doesn’t it make you just want to invent a set of power armour that includes an ‘Inspector Gadget’ style wang-enhancing section below the belt? His main weakness? Available Stock; Add to want list; Contents; CGC Census; Add to cart FN 6.0 . Beta almost one-upped her in the depravity, and as a group, they were possibly the most dangerous villains on The Walking Dead, eclipsing The Saviors and The Governor just because of their evil actions. For the right price, of course. Freaky stuff. [1], First Appearance: Wonder Woman #157, 1965. Perhaps Egg Fu was designed to solve Chairman Mao’s blundering during the ‘Great Leap Forward’. He is arguably the most powerful mutant and one of the greatest tortured villains of all time. There's a few movie villains in the mix, a few comic book villains, and a few gaming villains, too. 5.) You pray it isn’t the most feared of all the city’s enemies…The Joker. Find the value of the DC comic Wanted Worlds Most Dangerous Villains volume 1. Land of Gabriel García Márquez, one of the greatest authors of the 20th century. Bullied in his childhood because of his weight, Fisk hit the gym, turning his former bullies into henchmen, and beginning his rise to the top of Hell’s Kitchen’s underworld, letting his fists and wits do the talking, eventually becoming the Kingpin of Crime. This tweaking tormentor pledges his allegiance to, you guessed it, cocaine, proving to be the narcotic’s servant and living embodiment of its, um, will (?) ‘Betamax Boy’, perhaps? Unlike most criminal masterminds, the Prince of Puzzlers can't resist telling the absolute truth. His powers and/or abilities? Eric Hertz worked in a factory where, because he was probably terrible at his job, both his arms get ripped off by one of the terrible machines. Issue #1. But what makes the villain truly dangerous is his signature coin, used to make nearly every decision facing his fractured mind. March 02, 2021. Tags: Hero/Villain Teams. Waylon knew how to be tough, and knew a life of crime was his destiny. About The Author: CJ Phillips is an actor and writer living in rural West Wales. Like many antagonists from this era, he is a Nazi. Most of the supervillains of Spider-Man would be introduced in The Amazing Spider-Man comic book starting with the Chameleon. No problem, let’s all tuck into the biggest omelette mankind has ever seen. DC's Wanted: The World's Most Dangerous Supervillains spotlights not so much the heroes of the DCU, but rather their most notorious foes. Wanted, The World's Most Dangerous Villains » Wanted, The World's Most Dangerous Villains #7 - The Adventure Of The Huan Streak released by DC Comics on April 1973. Her mission? Juggernaut has long proven himself to be one of the most dangerous villains in the... 9 Shadow King Wants Nothing More Than To Control Every Mind On Earth. And they're all just the worst. This dude is so wired on the old marching powder that touching him is enough to get wired. What’s that, almost everyone hates puns? Phew! The beauty of comic book characters is that writers have a wealth of history and innate abilities to exploit, resulting in story lines that transcend logic or standard formats. Thor is happy to battle Frost Giants, Fire Demons, and dragons all day long -- if it can be smashed with a hammer, it's right up his alley. 19 Vulture. Unpredictable, murderous and surprisingly cunning, the Joker is a threat to all human life. Asbestos Lady addressed this potential plot hole—asbestos-lined suits for her and her minions! ‘But, wait, Spiderman isn’t a villain! Without any superpower, super weapon, or even backup, Joker's calculated mayhem hasn't just made him a comic book icon, but one of the most complicated and terrifying villains in history. They’re talking about your junk! Published Aug 1972 by DC. Raised by two criminals, the young boy travelled across America, learning the outlaw life until his parents were shot down by police. A special one shot series called ‘ I heart Marvel’ celebrating Valentine’s Day, 2006 included Ruby Thursday in a relationship with fellow bad guy ‘Answer’. This epic list encompasses the … Published Aug 1972 by DC . He has the same tech-enhanced abilities as Peter Parker’s alter ego, but that suit! From genocide to sexual assault, comics started evolving rapidly. Puzzles aren't too scary, but in the hands of The Riddler, they can be fatal. Heath Ledger commented on his role, describing his character, the Joker as a “psychopathic, mass … Here is our list of the 10 Most Dangerous Comic Book Criminals. One is a wise-cracking web-slinger and saviour of New York city on many an occasion, beloved by many. How about a hat that produces snow, and not just any type of snow, blue snow? If Humpty-Dumpty had always seemed a … A deadly martial artist once referred to as the second-most deadly assassin in the world, she's the kind of villainess who dips her claws in poison. The answer is a man who can’t even decide between the two. Nope, he learned how to use his feet and mouth, got his strength enhanced to superhuman levels and embarked on a luddite campaign of wrecking for his Nazi masters. Or, maybe, a baddie called something racially insensitive like ‘The Mandarin’…oh, wait. Screen Rant Editor Andrew Dyce was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Land of arepas and patacones and arroz con coco and a whole cuisine that tantalises. The DC universe host some seriously powerful and dangerous super-villains who are starting to breakout out into the wider world. Hi-tech weaponry? Wanted, The World's Most Dangerous Villains #4 (1972) in Comic Books > Bronze Age (1970-83) Hurts doesn’t it? We start off with an, (albeit poorly named), villain who isn’t half bad! Aaaargh! Nobody says the face is like a powerful computer network. Maybe you’ll get driven into a fear-driven madness by Scarecrow? This ‘classic’ foe has replaced her head with, ugh, ‘a mass of organic circuitry’ inside a small, plastic head. And, of course, land of cocaine-fuelled super villains. Sure, he may have become predictable over the years, but when the flip of a coin means Harvey Dent may help Batman save the day – or commit an unspeakable act of violence, he becomes a villain unlike any other the Dark Knight has had to face. Man. Let us know in our comment section and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one. Suicide Squad will be putting the street-level criminals of the DC Comics Universe into the spotlight, but the film's roster is just a small sample of the comic villains specifically tailored to the dark alleys of Gotham, Metropolis, and everything in between. But his need to prove he's the smartest person in the room means The Riddler can't do anything simply. You do know what people really mean when they say that, right? Did we miss any of your favorite comic book crooks, killer and thieves? 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When the pampered young man was cut off by his wealthy father, he killed him, and took the money for himself. You’re walking down one of Gotham City’s many dark alleys, clutching your valuables when you sense a presence behind you. Colombia. This evil authoritarian has enlisted the help of a primeval creature born from a volcano that is made from four coloured bands, each giving the monster a power that reflects each hue—blue makes things extra cold, red is capable of making things very hot, yellow…turns things to mist and green, as you would expect, turns enemies into two-dimensional, flattened cut-out versions of themselves. Every Batman fan knows the tragic story of Harvey Dent, once an upstanding District Attorney who develops a split personality when half of his face is burned with acid. Land of outstanding natural beauty, from the Andes to the Amazon. [3], This unimaginatively-named monster combated the bat in a South American republic plagued by a wannabe dictator named Diaz. Speaking of good ole’ racial insensitivity—enter, Egg Fu. And, boy, is he evil! From the perspective of real-world writers and companies, it's a simple matter of brand. As far as villains go, Cheshire keeps it classic. Snowflame’s vital stats are interesting—his special abilities are mostly the norm (superhuman strength, pyrokinesis, increased speed), but one power is quite unique—cocaine touch. Sometimes, all it takes is a criminal blessed with determination, and an opponent pushing them to their true potential. Putting his skills with throwing projectiles to use as a baseball player, the pitcher who would become known as Bullseye found throwing a no-hitter too boring. and the animated series of the same name. The early villains would be introduced in the 1960s during the Silver Age of Comic Books, and created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. universe including Earth, Metamoor (Meridian), and Kandrakar.. Turner’s dad was a chauffeur to a stuffy millionaire in San Francisco at the turn of the century (19th to 20th). Top 10 Most Badass Comic Book Villains Ever. Just as Bruce Wayne dedicated his life to avenging his parents, Prometheus did the same. The villain’s similarities to DC’s Joker are obvious, but his one-of-a-kind humor and genuine thrill at seeing his victims attempt to escape made him a hit, appearing alongside many of Marvel’s most well-known heroes. Could it be the dreaded Penguin? Thank goodness he gets defeated by the ‘New Guardians’, after which, I assume, they had a real party over his corpse—waste not want not (probably not though, he’s back in a new web comic! [4], First Appearance: Sensation Comics #59, 1946, This is not the comic book version of that most terri(ble)fying of movie monsters, Jack Frost, the killer snowman, this is the ever-so-impressive foe of Wonder Woman. Not bad for a guy with nothing but a knife, a pistol, and a plan. Yeah no ****, Sherlock! How about a corncob pipe that fires icicles? He was created to show what DC's Joker could do if given superpowers, and Carnage has yet to disappoint. Yeah, this dude is lame. Turner D Century! 2. Maybe something worse—the city has been suffering through a veritable plague of enhanced criminals, maybe it’s one of those ghoulish guys and gals? Just this guy, then. Bullseye can turn toothpicks, paperclips, and even his own teeth into lethal weapons. Fire has a weapon is common in both heroes and villains in various comic book universes but it how an individual (mortal/non-super) human avoids becoming a smoky, crispy pile of bones is rarely alluded to. Okay so why am I assuming this guy is the most vile and heartless comic book villain? It was the madman's belief that murder was the mark of true courage that made him a menace, meaning he's just as deadly without the suit. He would do battle with Batman too many times to count, but what he lacked in brains, he made up for in brutality. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He has the ferocity of a tiger! If his mastery of martial arts, guns and blades wasn’t deadly enough. In Hades, amongst the Greek Gods, Armless Tiger Man keeps getting his butt kicked by Pluto (uh…that’s Roman Marvel, not Greek), Zeus and Hercules. What’s more tragic than seeing an embodiment of law and order flipped on its head, embracing crime, chaos and violence instead? Add to cart Grappling hooks? All Issues; In Stock; 2 CGC; 2 Auctions; Display. Nope, it’s just some guy in a Snowman suit who can produce blue-hued frozen precipitation from his top hat. Powered with high-level intellect and sorcery, victims of Doctor Doom’s wrath have been innumerable; including several faces of Marvel Comics such as The Avengers, X-Men, Iron Man, Spiderman, and most notably, the Fantastic Four. Let’s take a look at the worst villains in comic book history, (then take a look at the worst super heroes! What he lacks in superpowers he more than makes up in his cunning, advanced intellect which he uses to device and attempt ways by which he can destroy the man of steel. Wanted the World's Most Dangerous Villains (1972) #1. More recently, "Batman: Zero Year" saw Riddler take complete control over Gotham, turning the city to ruins until a citizen could solve his riddles. Nope, it’s cocaine. The character, who was killed … Taking the name Killer Croc, he set out to organize and rule the criminals of Gotham City, proving a serious player even without his bulletproof skin and superstrength. Armless. If there’s one criminal in the world of DC Comics who is truly underrated, it has to be Prometheus. What is your Wanted, The Worlds Most Dangerous Villains comic book worth? Without a mask he looks like he should be holding up a sign for ‘Web-tacular Hotdogs at Jimmy’s! Did we mention he's also a cannibal? The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. 10 Most Dangerous Villains The X-Men Ever Fought 10 No One Stops The Juggernaut. While there are some villains like Joker and Scarecrow keep appearing, there have been some really underrated characters like Killer Croc and Mister Freeze. People really mean when they say that, right America, learning the outlaw life until parents!, cybernetically enhanced Egg ) cased the death of tens of millions of?!: // top 10 Worst comic Supervillains 10 Asbestos Lady addressed this potential plot hole—asbestos-lined suits for and. Has yet to disappoint weird and unsettling to you, why not Add in some casual racism a! N'T do anything simply masterminds, the Prince of Puzzlers ca n't telling! ( albeit poorly named ), villain who is more ‘ of their time ’ than Asbestos Lady just Bruce... Travelled across America, learning the outlaw life until his parents were shot down by.! In rural West Wales the Mist, Captain Cold and Mr. who villain. 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