plymouth rock chicken

The Plymouth Rock is an American breed of domestic chicken. Weight. They are not known for bad attitudes or picking at flock mates, and they seem to get along with everyone. They are very easy-going, not difficult to care for, which makes them a good choice for first-time chicken folks. - The Happy Chicken Coop - All Rights Reserved. I have 2 of these adorable chickens. The Blue Plymouth Rock chicken is a cross between a native Andalusian male and Plymouth Barred Rock female. I am trying separating them now, not sure if it will work. The one egg which hatched was a Barred Rock hen. my br. There must be a different strain of BRs than the one described in this article! If you want to know more about chickens, quail, and goats, The Happy Chicken Coop is the place to be! The Plymouth Rock chicken is the most popular of all varieties of general-purpose fowl. The Plymouth Rock Fancier’s Club of America is a group of dedicated poultry fanciers across the United States and Canada. The only evil chickens in my flock are the Barred Rock hens and 1 of the Rhode Island roosters. The varieties of the Plymouth Rock recognized in the US are: All are rare except the barred and the white. If you asked most folks what a Plymouth Rock hen’s plumage looked like they would say “black and white bars” which would be correct in as far as it goes.The barring between the sexes is slightly different. sleep on the top roost. I also have Amberlinks, an Isa Brown, Calico Princesses and Production Reds — none of them fly as high. Finally applied peepers to the most aggressive of the 2. Rocks much prefer to free-range and find tasty morsels in the yard, but they do tolerate confinement well if given enough space. The APA classifies the breed as American, while the PCGB classifies it as soft feather and heavy. It will vary but not by much; around an hour or so you will find II think it possible that there is strain’s of BR’s out there that are less desirable than others. They are also one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can find. Blue Plymouth Rock Chicken Facts. I do agree with the other’s, my hen and roo tend to peck and be more bossy towards their range mates… especially towards my EE (sweet docile girl) and my Kitty-Cat…. We just go 10 barred and they are going to be confined in a big coop with a top on the cage. We just got 11 of them 2 weeks are your girls doing now? Plymouth Rock. Hi Suzanne, It’s now 10:20 am and she is still in there. [12] In addition, their docile nature and hardiness make them an easily mass-produced and raised species. We will have them with a chained fence m. With a chain top. She seems perfectly healthy, fat, strutting around. The Plymouth Rock chickens are also known as “ Barred Rocks ”. Finally, their comb should be single with 5 points. These dual-purpose chickens make practical additions to your flock. This spring I got three more babies but no chicken can compare to Ellen DeHeneres! Bought 17 Jersey Giants this years as i had them before and they all laid well. It … After 1870, all other birds with single combs became Plymouth Rocks by default. Other varieties are White, Partridge, Buff, Silver-Penciled, Black, Blue and Colombian, all developed in the USA in the mid-19 th century. Listless comb is off color, losing weight and she has diarrhea on and off. The combination of two heritage breeds ensures vigor. My BR are aggressive toward flock members, bullying my EE to the point the EE hid in the nesting area and lost weight. It was first seen in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century, and for much of the early twentieth century was the most popular chicken breed in the United States. The Plymouth Rock was first seen in Massachusetts in 1849. It is resistant to cold, easy to manage, and a good sitter. They are both funny little ladies. Guess I have super chickens <3. The barring pattern should be sharply defined black and white, unlike the Dominique, which is much ‘fuzzier’ and leans towards grey. They link the flock owner with American history while yielding abundant eggs and tasty meat. Plymouth Barred Rocks are dual-purpose chickens. Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Kindly suggest some healthy diet for chicks. Raising Goats – The Complete How To Guide, chicken industry became highly mechanized, admitted to the American Poultry Association, Ameraucana Chicken: Care Guide, Color Varieties and More, Everything You Need to Know About Quail Eggs, Aggressive Rooster: How to Train Him to be ‘Mr. It is resistant to cold, easy to manage, and a good sitter. The chicks are quick to feather out and mature, and by 8-12 weeks of age, they can be considered as broilers if desired. The market weight of a fully mature Plymouth Rock chicken is 6-8 lbs. They are always curious, and they love to check out their environment and will follow you around to see what you are up to or if there are any treats to be had. It’s medium size, hardy growth, and good laying qualities make it a practical chicken breed for the farm. [2] The barred plumage pattern was the original one; other colors were later added. They are the most flighty chicks I’ve ever owned. Barred Plymouth Rocks are seeing negative population trend in industries while White Plymouth Rocks are seeing a sharp positive trend. Some articles that could help you during this time are: Plymouth Rock chickens include the Barred Rock and several other varieties. Peter Hric, Cyril Hrnčár, Jozef Bujko (2012). We now have six white rock pullets that grew up together as chicks and have no problem getting along. These days they are considered wonderful chickens for families as … As a dual-purpose heritage breed, Barred Plymouth Rock chickens take many months, rather than weeks, to reach maturity. [2], The Plymouth Rock was added to the Standard of Excellence of the American Poultry Association in 1874. They got along with my leg horns and red island rhodes. They can't be beat for steady, reliable chickens. Plymouth Rock chicken originated in the United States. It is fun to spoil them a bit. They absolutely were not docile nor friendly — not to people, not to each other, and definitely not to other chickens. ?? I love my 7 BR! Do I just catch them at the right time to see which one is laying? The standard weight for a Rock hen is 4.5 lbs. Then the Plymouth Blue Rock is your chicken. I acquired my chicks in the end of April. Claire. Not only that, but their plumpness is … [10] White Plymouth Rocks are crossed with Cornish chickens to create the "chicken" in the grocery store. Plymouth Rock Chickens are commonly used for mass egg and meat production. The White Plymouth Rock chicken is a good dual purpose chicken, a good pet chicken, a member of the Plymouth Rock family and known by their short name as a white rock chicken. Here is a video that shows the carcass of a 7-week old Barred Rock Rooster next to a 7-week old Red Ranger (which is a fast-growing meat breed). Hoping you can help. It has helped but my EE hasn’t laid an egg in seven months. My barred rocks are coop jumpers, too! [2] In 1869, in Worcester, Massachusetts, one D.A. They average around 200 eggs per year which equate to roughly 4 eggs per week. [6]:68 His birds were shown in Worcester in 1869; the modern Plymouth Rock is thought to derive from them. Today, in fact, it’s one of the country’s most popular breeds of backyard birds. All of mine have great temperaments. Years later an ideal backyard chicken breed was named in honor of this famous site. I entered her eggs in an egg show and she got first place. I went out at 7am to give treats and noticed 1 missing so i checked in the coop and there she was. You mentioned that she is overweight, sometimes obese hens have a hard time laying eggs… Please The legs are yellow and unfeathered. Its a prolific egg-layer, it’s great as a table bird, and it’s a fantastic backyard chicken for families. Smart people always do things from beginning to end. There is a bantam variety, and their weights are 2.5lbs for females and 3.0lbs for males. Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture, APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties: As of January 1, 2012, Liste des races et variétés homologuée dans les pays EE (28.04.2013), Transboundary breed: Plymouth Rock Barred, Diversity in Population Size and Production Parameters of Selected Varieties of Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed, Chicken breeds of Canada and the United States,, Chicken breeds originating in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Use list-defined references from September 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 February 2021, at 21:19. The Barred Rocks are actually a variety of the Plymouth Rock breed. Raised coast to coast prior to World War II, this chicken breed is an excellent source of both eggs and meat. We’re getting an egg daily from one, and at least 4 a week from the other. I want to know there diet. Find out all you could ever want to know about the Plymouth Rock chicken with our comprehensive guide! He is the best rooster taking care of his hens and protecting them. They will be protected by hawks. The Plymouth Rock Chicken: All You Need To Know. She is a very sweet-tempered pet which is quite attached to me. Origin: The Plymouth Rock was developed in America in the middle of the 19th century and was first exhibited as a breed in 1869. This Heritage Breed was developed in New England in the early 1800's by crossing Dominiques and Black Javas. Once combs start changing, fresh eggs on a daily basis won’t be too far behind. I’ve had several flocks of barred rocks over the years and have always enjoyed them. How high should a roosting bar be for barred rock hens? staying in the coop during a rainstorm). They are meant for a small farm that has a backyard coop. It was the hen that was seen from coast to coast before the end of World War 2 and it became the nation’s main source of chicken meat and eggs. Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, which are also sometimes called Plymouth Rocks or Barred Rocks, are believed to be one of the United States’ oldest chicken breeds. No one is quite sure what happened to these original birds as they seem to have disappeared for around 20 years or so. Claire, I have been terrified of Chickens from infancy! They aren’t bothered by any particular ailments except the usual array of parasites. It is fitting that the Barred Rock chicken has taken the more popular name of “Plymouth Rock Chicken.” Like the United States, itself, the Plymouth Rock chicken origin is in Massachusetts. Previously, we had Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons raised from chicks. Otherwise I have to wait awhile to see what other traits they will have. The Barred Standard Plymouth Rock Chicken is a great back yard poultry for production and very kid friendly chicken. These chickens are quirky. I love my barred rocks. As a layer she is also great. [4] In Australia, the barred variant is split into two separate colors, dark barred and light barred. The Plymouth Rock is one of Americas’ oldest breeds. The Plymouth Rock is an American breed of domestic chicken. Will they lay about the same time every day, or it will vary? The barring between the sexes is slightly different. In fact, it is probably iconic in American culture, so in this article we will describe the barred Plymouth Rock member of the family. Known for both its high-quality meat and its large brown eggs, this docile breed makes for the perfect backyard chicken. She also will not tolerate being picked up and is always watching that you don’t get close to her as she is next to impossible to catch. I loved reading your article. My hen is agressive too! I agree they are great fliers. Unlike the USA, which became official in the 1700’s, this breed got its … The Plymouth Rock is an old and trusted chicken breed. They are only a year and a half old. My BR are 30 months old. It’s hard to generalize about any breed because there can be a lot of variation among batches (i.e., hatch years), hatchery breeding stock, even individuals but like most folks here, I found them to be hardy, productive, enjoyable birds. It’s now thought that these birds are the likely ancestors of todays’ Plymouth Rock. [3] Ten plumage varieties are listed by the Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture, of which five – barred, black, buff, Columbian and white – are recognized by the Poultry Club of Great Britain. As backyard birds, they do great; they tolerate confinement or free-ranging, do not require any special treatments, and are chatty and friendly. They have a good genetic pool, so they are usually healthy, long-lived birds that can live for 10-12 years if cared for. Great chickens, though. They are quieter. The Plymouth Rock is a very popular chicken breed, known for it's prolific egg laying and delicious meat. White Plymouth Rocks have a single comb and tolerate both hot and cold climates well. This breed is also known as some other name such as Rocks or Barred Rocks. [2] Other people have been associated with the development of the Plymouth Rock, as have other chicken breeds including the Brahma, the Cochin (both white and buff), the Dominique, and the White-faced Black Spanish. Plymouth Rock chickens come in several varieties, but the most common is the Barred Rock. In terms of their temperament, Barred Rocks are mellow birds. Your email address will not be published. Join More Than 15,000 Chicken Enthusiasts Who Have Already Subscribed. [11], The Plymouth Rock is a dual-purpose breed, and is kept both for its meat and for its large brown eggs, of which it lays about 200 per year.[2]. This bird was first shown off as a breed in 1869. Upham cross-bred some Black Java hens with a cock with barred plumage and a single comb; he selectively bred for barred plumage and clean (featherless) legs. The Plymouth Rock is a very popular duel-purpose American breed, known for their excellent laying ability, general hardiness, and calm good nature which makes them a good choice for small backyard flocks and homesteaders. They are 17 weeks today and I noticed that one has been sitting in the nesting box all morning. let CurrentYear = new Date().getFullYear() The beak is yellow or horn-colored. The roosters do have large combs and wattles, so they may need some attention to those areas in bitterly cold weather. We found they are not lap chickens, but that may be true of most chickens that are not raised and handled as chicks. The Barred Rock has a long and distinguished history, even though the origins are a bit murky. Plymouth Rock chicken is a dual purpose breed suitable for both meat and eggs production. Description. hens fly up on top of deck rail no effort However, the breed virtually disappeared for about twenty years; the next mention of the breed was in 1869 when a Massachusetts native described breeding Java hens with roosters sporting a barred plumage pattern. Words like “SWEET and DOCILE,” have me wondering if we are thinking of the same chicken breed. Your email address will not be published. [9], The Plymouth Rock has a single comb with five points; the comb, wattles and ear-lobes are bright red. Plymouth Rock chicken’s down/bottom feathers are soft and downy. I was not expecting these girls to be so skiddish.? Some people confuse the Barred Rock chicken with the Dominique chicken breed. Yes, it’s true that the Plymouth Rock can come in Barred, Buff, Silver-Penciled, Columbian, and Blue, but we are taking a close look at the white variety of this versatile breed. Starter chickens, chicks, hatching eggs, and incubation for the eggs is available. Chicken Breed Information - Plymouth Rock - Barred Plymouth Rocks or "Barred Rocks", as they're called, are one of the most popular dual-purpose chickens on small farms today. My Barred Rocks are also great flyers, I have to clip both wings to keep them from flying over my 4 foot fence. Plymouth Rock chickens are a favorite of mine. Those chickens were good layers, but very noisy and plucked feathers from each other. The original version of the chicken was the Barred Rock variety, which is why the breed is also commonly called Barred Rock chickens.. Speaking of neighbors – the Barred Rock is said to be a quiet but talkative chicken. My hen just hatch 10 Plymouth Rock chicks. Right now they are about a week and a half old. She is very cunning and devilish. If this has happened before and you aren’t sure what caused it, you don’t want it spreading to the others and this continues to happen. And true to that name, the Plymouth Rock chicken, one of the first chicken breeds to be raised in the United States, has a colorful history. The barred Plymouth Rock breed was admitted to the American Poultry Association in 1874. I had issues with controlling humidity in the incubator which might have attributed to the low hatch rate. © I’m not real happy with mine, about 6 weeks old now. My Plymouth rocks are wonderful. [10], In the United States, seven color varieties of the Plymouth Rock are recognized: barred, blue, buff, Columbian, partridge, silver-penciled and white. I have 3 Barred Rocks, 3 Rhode island and they just started laying 2 days ago. It was a chicken with barred plumage. The rest of the flock seems fine. However, hens have been known to lay into their 10th year! Unfortunately, after the 2nd World War, its decline in popularity and made its way to the American Livestock Breed Conservancy list, where it is currently listed as recovering. They are great layers. Considering eating them this fall. Production: White Plymouth Rock Chickens … In 1620 a travel-weary band of Pilgrims set foot on Plymouth Rock. Nice Guy’, Chapter Two: How To Keep Chickens Laying Eggs During Winter,,,, So Your Thinking of Starting a Duck Farm Business, 7 Best Books On Raising Ducks: For Beginners and Experienced (2021). I tried various separation therapies without any luck. White Plymouth Rock Chickens are an esteemed dual-purpose breed. From our Dominique breed article, you may remember some confusion between the rose comb and single comb birds with both being called Dominiques at the time. It was funny to read about the BR temperament being friendly. I might try Sapphire Gems this year, as they too have barred rock parentage and they are so pretty. Let's stay updated! We started our flock with two Red Rock Chicks. They are both red in color, although after molting one has yellow tips on some of her feathers. They are easy going and easy to handle after owning them they became quiet tame and friendly. I agree with Kari they are great fliers up and over a 6 foot fence into the neighbors yard, then up and back over for dinner and bed. [6]:69 The back is long and broad, and the breast fairly deep. If you asked most folks what a Plymouth Rock hen’s plumage looked like they would say “black and white bars” which would be correct in as far as it goes. They are much happier and don’t pluck feathers. She is three now and the egg production has dropped off but she is my buddy. The White Rock is hatched with yellow combsthat turn into a bright red at maturity while their legs remain yellow. I would quarantine this chicken until it is treated and gets better. A great American poultry heritage chicken breed that grandma and grandpa would have on the farm. It is a dual-purpose breed, raised both for its meat and for its brown eggs. The Plymouth Rock is one of the best all-rounder chickens you're likely to find. She has started laying a few weeks ago (22 weeks when she started) She is really delightful to be around and likes to eat out of my hands. Thanks. Of course, it does have the usual chicken vocabulary, including the egg song, but the Barred Rock tends to ‘whisper’ rather than ‘shout’ across the yard. Its blue-gray and lavender plumage make it an exceptionally attractive bird. Most people call these “Barred Rocks” which is a short name for the Barred Plymouth Rock chicken. The males have equal black and white barring with each feather ending in a dark tip. Can you guys explain to me why my chick poops like diarrhea and it screams loud as heck! The Barred Rock (Plymouth Rock) chicken is one of the all-time, popular favorites in the U.S. This cross between Plymouth Barred Rocks and the Native Andalusians imported from the Czech Republic allow for smoky blue-grey plumage that can also exhibit barring patterns of darker blue hues. The males have equal black and white barring with each feather ending in a dark tip. LOL… Seriously, Barred Rock chicken are evil flock mates. What Do They Look Like? On the eggs all my animals get it keeps parasites at bay. All around, we are very pleased with our choice. We have a hen that’s not doing well. I’m pretty sure it was one of the reds because I saw her checking out the nesting box. Their ear lobes, comb, and wattles should all be read as is the face, the beak is horn colored, and the eyes a reddish bay. I love my barred rock, I got a few last year with my small flock of others. We put her in a large cage with a Brahma and another barred rock and she was pecking them. Todays’ Barred Rock hens can be divided into three separate groups: They fit well into just about any scenario you can think of. Any ideas? No more BRs for us, not ever! None of our other chickens peck! It was not to be seen again until 1869, where Upham at a show at Worcester, displayed a chicken similar to the one at 1849 show. We lost one this spring with the same symptoms. Feathers are full, loose, and very soft, especially on the abdomen area. Plymouth Rocks are a healthy, sturdy breed. Several individuals claimed its invention, using crosses of Dominique, Java, Cochin, and Brahma.The first Plymouth Rock … Thank you for the read. Plymouth Rocks are very respectable layers of large brown eggs. They pecked one another raw and would bully other chickens mercilessly. Hi Lawrence, The Plymouth Rock chicken is generally commended for … Required fields are marked *. Hi Robert, They are poor flyers, so you don’t need to have a huge fence around their enclosure to keep them in, as they are unlikely to go and investigate the neighbors’ yard unless they can walk there. The trail gets hot again in around 1869 when a Mr Upham of Worcester, Massachusetts was breeding with barred males and Java hens. They are described by their owners as sweet, calm, and docile – even the roosters! Rocks are very tolerant of poor management practices, although ideally they won’t need to be. I have not regretted the purchase. Mine fly to the top of the shed and from there over a 10ft fence to the airport. The roosters don’t try to eat you alive… my favourite fella passed last year randomly and he is missed, so beautiful and gentle… though the highest perch and the tall fences are no problem for them, especially the bigger ones? If treated and cared for well, they can virtually raise themselves! She jumps in my lap and takes a nap. [2] With the advent of industrial chicken farming, it was much used in the development of broiler hybrids, but began to fall in popularity as a domestic fowl. [2], Because of its many good qualities – tasty meat, good egg production, resistance to cold, early feathering, easy management, good sitting – the Plymouth Rock became the most widespread chicken breed in the United States until the time of World War II. They are hardly and easy to care for in the summer they literally would free range the yard (12 acres of land) and they laid steadily if not almost 5 times a week when I was keeping track. It’s claimed he was trying to breed selectively for barred plumage and clean legs. 1869 when a Mr Upham of Worcester, Massachusetts in 1849 out there are... Society was determined to set the standard weight for a Rock hen and is an American breed of plymouth rock chicken.! Ideally they won ’ t bothered by any particular ailments except the usual array of.... 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