spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person

These dreams tend to be a lot more lucid and vivid so the dreamer remembers, sometimes displaying a message that is not like a typical dream, a easy way to understand the message. The prominence of her boss in the dream, therefore, signifed that she was taken on more that she could handle in a work context. Even though the person in your dream may appear to be unknown it could represent somebody that you actually do know. You may feel that it's your ex-boyfriend's fault that you separated or that you are unable to understand what went wrong in the relationship, therefore, reliving it in your dream. Meeting Someone In A Dream And Then In Real Life. Sometimes, in waking life, it’s hard to recognize when we’ve created a barrier, or dissonance between ourselves and another. The dream in which you see a faceless man could, therefore, be … – Spiritual Meaning The dream about someone has the ability to affect the dreamer’s life. As I've already outlined it's very much focused on relationships. In dream psychology dreaming of babies especially repetitively can indicate that you may be feeling puzzled about your inner conflicts. But we don’t see things like that, do we? There is some key experiences or events that often occur when you keep dreaming of your mother. Possibly, you were in some relationship which hurt you, and your life now needs a cleansing of some sort. Most of the time, unless the dream happens night after night, it might just be a one-off dream that does not have any real or true meaning. To put it another way, what I am saying is to dream about your mother is a positive dream. Normally nightmares only occur when we are under an immense amount of stress. Nightmares can be a a hugely charged event in our life. This is Normal because in most cases, you are re-playing your lives together and there for you end up seeing what you really loved about the person. You may not know this consciously. You don’t want to think about them at all, and during the day, you achieve that goal, but at night, your mind plays a trick on you and makes you see them on purpose. It drives me crazy. I have been there myself, dreaming about an old friend when I know it is not me, but them looking for me. The most important thing is to think about your feelings related to this phenomenon; they matter a lot. You wake up and remember the same scene in your head with them. It needs working through, dealing with, and healing. If You Dream About Someone Are They Thinking About You? A recurring dream about the same person, or group of people, can indicate that there are issues between you which need to be addressed. But most people, generally, do not receive this kind of dream. Then I look to my left and see a small mirror, big enoght to see the head and the shoulders. You should think about the time when the person was in your life. Spin my tarot wheel to find out. It was especially hard because no one wants to be found by a narcissist. You should keep a keen eye on every detail to decipher the message you have received from your unconscious mind. What Are The Spiritual Benefits Of Lucid Dreaming. He was happy being with me. In Exodus 33:20, God said to Moses, ‘You cannot see my face, for no man can see my face and live. Your mind knows what you exactly want more than you do, and it gives you hints through dreams. The difficulty in interpreting the meaning of people in dreams is primarily in discerning just when a person is not symbolizing something or someone else (but literally depicting themselves), because there are exceptions up to 10% of the time. It is important whether the person is really deceased in waking life or is alive. When you dream about people you know, Stout explained that you're not actually dreaming about them. The dream itself is normally about your own passion, enterprise, initiative, and happiness. Dreaming about the same person twice in a row means you had some boundaries with that person for no reason. Don't ever think you're weird because you've had the same dream as someone else. If there is something that I've missed from this dream meaning then please scroll down and leave me a Facebook message I do answer them all eventually personally. If this person was a parent, such as your Mother even though she's passed the experience can clearly be associated with the loss that you are feeling of that caring relationship. I know it is worrying having the same dream of the same person but there is a reason why you keep having the same repetitive dream. Kash and Susan both had childhood spiritual awakenings that led them to see past the 3D veil at a young age. Dreaming Of A Deceased Loved One | What Does It Mean? Have you defined the goals that you wish to achieve? They indicate things mysteriously. They are the random images of the thoughts that you had the whole day. It is important for you to look at the actual material that appeared in the nightmare. If we see things scientifically, dreams are just random electrical brain impulses. two people dream of same person dream interpretations ... To get more detailed dream interpretation of the actress/actor please also see the meaning of dream Celebrities…. Spiritual dreams – Spiritual dreams are the realm of vivid dream imagery full of rich meaning, a strong sense of realness and leave the dreamer uplifted in some way. Recurring dreams about the same person can be extremely difficult to handle especially if we want to forget about this person. #14 Dreaming About The Same Person: Meaning & Interpretation Sometimes our brains can just refuse to accept that it really is happening or has happened. There’s a possibility that you dream about the same person again and again. Dreams are fantastic. The best way to deal with recurring dreams, is to make peace with the one you’re in a mental and/or emotional conflict with, or visit a therapist to help deal with your problems should these people be inaccessible. You can fill in your own gaps here, it could be a friend you fell out with, partner things ended badly or abruptly with, and so on. Consequently, I will say that it is generally a situation or issue that is playing on your mind. Nightmares are never the nicest dreams to experience. If they have died recently then the bereavement process is often connected to how we deal with our subconscious mind. Dreaming of your Mother or Father who died is again rather common and you might find that it will just take time in order for you to overcome your grief. This is because they feel the emotions of … Whatever relationship we have boundaries are really important. Messy Breakup. I will say this, to dream of friends I believe means that there is an issue or problem with that relationship which could be positive or negative. This is easier said than done. Whether its healing or relationship help, the SU mission is to help every soul find their path. I have no feelings towards him not even a bit but it seems like I’m having some kind of connection with him. Jan 7, 2017 By Archinterpreter. Of course, much of a dream's meaning depends on what the dream was about. If You Dream About Someone Do They Dream About You? https://www.spiritualunite.com/articles/dreaming-of-the-same-person Ans jut last night I dreamt of him again couldn’t clearly recall what happened but I remember that he was with me. From a spiritual perspective, dreaming of the same person in many ancient dream texts indicates Friends never tend to abandon to each other and sometimes extreme situations do occur. Why would I even dream of a guy whom I don’t even know or have feelings for! This is just insane!! Seeing an ex-boyfriend over and over again can play on our minds. Also, the other reason for seeing them is that you are concerned or worried about them. Whatever they are to you, you need to find resolve within yourself, if not then just enjoy the dream. Unfortunately, you cannot control your nightmares but you can overcome them with the right way of thinking. There could be different systems in place in your life where boundaries have taken shape. Do you get on with your boss? Dreaming of the same person could mean something significant but your conscious mind should also be wise enough to know the real meaning. I cant remember what about but we are always taking. Unfortunately, some friends are very good and some friends don’t turn out that well. If you do know them what kind of relationship do you have with them in waking life? As you're giving to others on a daily basis is quite common to keep dreaming about your children the dream itself could just reflect the importance of love in rearing your child. If your children are teenagers or older and you dream about them it could just be because they are growing up. When somebody keeps repetitively appearing in your dream I will say you should take note. This is a precognitive dream, and your future love is being revealed to you.. Spiritualunite.com is one of the leading metaphysical websites on the internet today. It may be easier for you just to forgive your ex-boyfriend and let him move on through meditation. Just like a chain of events in our mind. In order to understand the meaning of a dreaming about a dead person, you should take into consideration a number of factors. Some people find it therapeutic to analyze their dreams and use their interpretations to guide spiritual growth. Many spiritual dreams are a conversation with or vision of a higher being known to the dreamer or otherwise. Someone who is a friend of a friend that they don't really know very well. The reason could be that you think about the person before going to sleep especially and that’s why you see them in the dream. Knowing genders in dreams is essential to better understand the dream including as much detail of the dream as possible. The foundation of this is a love that we feel for them. I will say that even though you've chosen a new life it might just be a matter of “time” when these dreams will disappear. You are reading this because we are soul family and we endeavor to bring you spiritual truth in such uncertain times. So, if a specific person keeps popping up in your dreams, try not to read too much into their presence. In our society there is an ever-increasing force for mothers to work especially with young children. From a spiritual perspective, dreaming of the same person in many ancient dream texts indicates your own psyche. But as you keep track of your dreams by writing them down to start with, the process becomes easier over time. Obviously, every parent understands that we want to try to raise our child to become a fantastic mature adult. To keep dreaming of the same person is connected to our own relationships in life. Facing grief is never a nice process in life. In the period of every person’s life it may chance to happen that one’s heart and mind are free and clear of false suppositions. At the end of the day, it does not matter when this person passed away (maybe recently or ten years ago) dreaming of someone who has died is a response to the fact that something important has occurred in your life. The reason I mention this is because if you are dreaming of a person that you dislike or has caused you pain and anguish in your life then it could be you need to cut because this person fully away using the cutting cord medititation. In our modern world, we can communicate with people through text messages or even Facebook messenger. This dream often occurs when we are worried about the future. Then whatever the spirit discovers conforms to the reflection obtained. It is not unusual that a surrogate stranger will appear to you, but usually, it is a part of yourself that you are choosing to ignore. Your unconscious mind creates the dream, and it knows more than you do. The attachment of your Mother is important and indicates how important it is in the life of not only the child but also the adult child. If somebody shows up in your dreams, again and again, it is because the person is meant to be there. The baby itself is symbolism that a new star is on the horizon. Dreaming of a boss can represent a focus on life, harvest, and crossroads. This type of dream is telling you to cancel the yoke of untimely death and other satanic attacks on the life of the person or possibly on your own life. Whoever we encounter in life we have some type of connection. The first time I dreamt of him, her gf was with another guy and he was so down and sad, wouldn’t speak a word but then I offered him my company and walk with him along those lonely street. Perhaps that's why you're here. It usually happens when you are dreaming about the person who is not with you anymore, or you have been fought with. The person may be lost to you for good and you miss the good times, or you just wish you had the chance to stand up to them. For instance, if you see your ex a lot, it could mean that your mind wants you to engage in a romantic relationship again. Dreams about your son or daughter can be quite passionate. But, the only way we can find out if they are a good friend is to form a relationship with them. If you keep dreaming of somebody who has died but they seem to be alive in your dream it can indicate that you are either missing them or that there is no-one around to answer your questions. The dream needs to be further analyzed in terms of what the person was actually doing in the dream. There are many kinds of dreams. We have to go through what I call a process of learning after losing someone (no matter how long ago) it can be hard to change and adapt. It could be emotional issues, or some traumatic experience or relationship. It could mean that you have some enemy who wants to harm you. We all know that relationships can bring a sadness, happiness, and well-being. I'm not saying you're infatuated with your boyfriend but having this dream can indicate there is a current relationship you need to analyze. That someone could be anybody you know or somebody who is unknown. If you keep dreaming of this same person that you know then this is a reflection of the relationship it can indicate maybe a stressful atmosphere which has recently occurred. What I am trying to say is that it is cutting Karmatic ties. Whatever or whoever is to blame for the breakup of your relationship can come crop up in our dreams - sometimes you relive the past through your own subconscious mind while sleeping. The feeling of the dream or narrative is your best clue at working out why you keep dreaming of them. Exactly what is seen, the same thing occurs. Kash and Susan both had childhood spiritual awakenings that led them to see past the 3D veil at a young age. If you have a dream about snakes, this could be a sign that someone has or will take advantage of you. If the energy between you is bad and the dream feels more like a nightmare then you need to work on that resolve independently. Especially our career and our goals and aspirations what I will say is don't read too much into this dream unless of course you're having problems at work. Constantly dreaming about the same person can imply that in time things are likely to work out for the better. And when they do, I just ask them to leave, it is my dream after all and I love dreaming. This might happen over and over again. We may brush it aside or simply avoid being with that person. Making sense of the death can sometimes reflect our psyche. In our society, we always believe that our Mothers should be caring and bring love and happiness to our lives. But, if you see the same person, again and again, more than twice or thrice, then it is not possible to ignore it. I would like to outline that every relationship you have in life your own choice. If you have a dream of the same person multiple nights - then it is important to take note as it is an important symbolism. Even though you may see somebody else in the dream that “someone” could be a reflection of yourself. I wish I knew why that man is pops up into my dreams ? A fun party with the same person in a dream predicts a joyful event. My advice is to try to work something out in your mind about this particular person. Owkie this seems so weird but I dreamt about a guy for thrice now. When you dream about someone vomiting on you, this is definitely a dream worth taking note of. I know myself I've had repetitive dreams about a certain ex-partner. Take care and blessings. However, many psychologists believe that dreams have some meaning. Many people display authorities in odd ways and it's sometimes hard for a boss to be an authoritative leader but also be friendly and kind. Interestingly, many parents with teenage children sometimes dream of their children being small again - it just represents a loving relationship that you have with your child. Sometimes this dream is a sign of going to a different country or country, and there are lots of foreign people interacting and spending time with them. Sometimes our subconscious mind denies the fact that somebody is dead. Dreaming of a friend can indicate the relationship you have with him or her. It is not surprising when you have a dream of somebody you know or don’t repeat. It is impossible for me to say the reason why your dream occurred. For example, you might see yourself winning a contest against the same person over and over again, this person could be a mass murderer or axeman. Dreaming of a loved ones who have passed on is not as uncommon as we think. Carl Jung believed lots of different images and elements in our dream are a representation of our Mother and the caring or uncaring relationship that we experienced with her. Perhaps the nightmare stays with you during the next day? Adapting to bereavement can be quite the difficult process. We might need to make some very important decisions but our mind is not thinking in the right way. Often, we dream of the same person over and over if we are missing them. An old boyfriend can sometimes appear in your dream when you are feeling anxious about your current relationships. If you don't have a loving relationship and you find it difficult to communicate with your mother, or she has passed on to the spirit world then it may be that your mind is going through a process of inner experience in trying to unravel and uncover the relationship that you did have with her. Twin Flame Runner And Chaser – The Separation Stage, Surrender Stage And Symptoms In The Twin Flame Journey, Alchemical Marriage – Masculine and Feminine Union, 12 Psychic Signs Someone is Thinking of You, Fifth Dimensional Consciousness – Releasing The Illusions of 3D, 22 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms You Will Notice, Higher Consciousness Symptoms – The 17 Signs. Dreaming of the same person repetitively can suggest that you need to create boundaries with somebody. When you dream of more than one person repetitively it indicates you're ready for action, perhaps in a social context. Unfortunately, sometimes when somebody dies it forces us to step into an unknown world of chaos. In a dream, the person who flies with the birds meets and befriends a group of people who are unfamiliar with him from the same country. Top-5 positive interpretations of recurring dreams about the same person: The recurring dream of a stranger who makes you an expensive gift promises wealth. Dreams in which you were sleeping next to an animal or next to a person who is really annoying will have the same meaning. Dreaming of the same person could be neglected for a day or two. I hope this overarching dream meaning gives you some reassurance and don't forget to check out my amazing tarot section before you go. From a spiritual perspective, having dreams about the same person means your souls are connecting. Recurring dreams are dreams about same person or same situation, which keep recurring again and again. Celebrating over 10 years online. If you repeatedly dream of a friend it could indicate that there is something that you are not getting in waking life and your subconscious mind is trying to tell you it could be something really simple like the fact that you have forgotten his or her birthday. Distinguishing the common dream from the one that has a message is not easy. These range from basic all the way to lucid dreams. If you keep having nightmares about your children for example they get lost or killed in your dream then this is an anxiety dream and you shouldn't read much into it. We look forward to sharing our soul with you. I have had the same dream for three years.It always started the same: I was in a corridor on the second floor of a house I have never seen before. 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