what was italy called before 1861

[100] In 1913, male universal suffrage was allowed. They operated in secret, enlisting the king later on, but keeping military and political leaders entirely in the dark. The first was a continuation of the foreign-policy objectives of the preceding Liberal regime. As a result of the Treaty of The Hague, Spain agreed to abandon its Italian claims, while Duke Victor Amadeus II of Savoy agreed to exchange Sicily with Austria, for the island of Sardinia, after which he was known as the King of Sardinia. Some read this novel as a thinly veiled allegorical critique of Austrian rule. Barlaam was a master in Greek and was the initial teacher to Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio of the language. This aggregation was facilitated by the increase of agricultural productivity above the subsistence level. The creation of the Kingdom of Italy was the result of concerted efforts by Italian nationalists and monarchists loyal to the House of Savoy to establish a united kingdom encompassing the entire Italian Peninsula. The newly created Kingdom of Italy (Lombardy, Venice, Reggio, Modena, Romagna, and the Marshes) was overseen by Napoleon himself, to the eternal disgust of many including the Venetians. In the late Bronze Age, from the late 2nd millennium to the early 1st millennium BC, a fourth wave, the Proto-Villanovan culture, related to the Central European Urnfield culture, brought iron-working to the Italian peninsula. The final Allied victory over the Axis in Italy did not come until the spring offensive of 1945, after Allied troops had breached the Gothic Line, leading to the surrender of German and Fascist forces in Italy on 2 May shortly before Germany finally surrendered ending World War II in Europe on 8 May. And although unsuccessful that time round, the Risorgimento continued to gain support and momentum until the Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia, the wealthiest and most liberal of the states, engineered the final push. Italy also suffered economically because of overproduction of grapes for their vineyards in the 1870s and 1880s when France's vineyard industry was suffering from vine disease caused by insects. The Kingdom of Sardinia industrialized from 1830 onward. Italy became a nation-state belatedly on 17 March 1861, when most of the states of the peninsula were united under king Victor Emmanuel II of the House of Savoy, which ruled over Piedmont. Florence took Pisa in 1406, Venice captured Padua and Verona, while the Duchy of Milan annexed a number of nearby areas including Pavia and Parma. The one major obstacle to Italian unity remained Rome. Francesca Fauri, "The Role of Fiat in the Development of the Italian Car Industry in the 1950s". The second wave of immigration occurred in the Bronze Age, from the late 3rd to the early 2nd millennium BC, with tribes identified with the Beaker culture and by the use of bronze smithing, in the Padan Plain, in Tuscany and on the coasts of Sardinia and Sicily. Renaissance politics developed from this background. After the death of Emperor Theodosius I (395), the Empire was divided into an Eastern and a Western Roman Empire. The revolutionaries, though, failed to court popular support and fell to Austrian troops of the Holy Alliance. Islamic rule over Sicily was effective from 902, and the complete rule of the island lasted from 965 until 1061. Strong urban growth led to uncontrolled urban sprawl. By 1942, it was faltering as its economy failed to adapt to the conditions of war and Italian cities were being heavily bombed by the Allies. Both radical and conservative forces in the Italian parliament demanded that the government investigate how to improve agriculture in Italy. Before that time, what is twenty-first-century Italy consisted of several independent kingdoms. To do this, he opposed German plans to annex Austria after the assassination of Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, and promised the Austrians military support if Germany were to interfere. At the time Italy had about 2,500 military aircraft in service. In June 1945 Bonomi was in turn replaced by Ferruccio Parri, who in turn gave way to Alcide de Gasperi on 4 December 1945. The most important cultural transplant was the Chalcidean/Cumaean variety of the Greek alphabet, which was adopted by the Etruscans; the Old Italic alphabet subsequently evolved into the Latin alphabet, which became the most widely used alphabet in the world. Ferdinand abolished the constitution and began systematically persecuting known revolutionaries. The resulting Congress of Vienna (1814) restored a situation close to that of 1795, dividing Italy between Austria (in the north-east and Lombardy), the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (in the south and in Sicily), and Tuscany, the Papal States and other minor states in the centre. The theory of Trasformismo was that a cabinet should select a variety of moderates and capable politicians from a non-partisan perspective. In the course of the 15th century, the most powerful city-states annexed their smaller neighbors. The anniversary of the unification of Italy is not usually a public holiday. This led the Etruscans to ally themselves with the Carthaginians, whose interests also collided with the Greeks. [46] An estimated 1,356,460 Jews were killed as a result of the First Jewish Revolt;[47] the Second Jewish Revolt (115–117) led to the death of more than 200,000 Jews;[48] and the Third Jewish Revolt (132–136) resulted in the death of 580,000 Jewish soldiers. [41][42] The Senate granted Octavian a unique grade of Proconsular imperium, which gave him authority over all Proconsuls (military governors).[43]. The victory against Austria allowed Italy to annex Venice. Although the battle had no clear winner, Carthage managed to expand its sphere of influence at the expense of the Greeks, and Etruria saw itself relegated to the northern Tyrrhenian Sea with full ownership of Corsica. Many of the new Hellenic cities became very rich and powerful, like Neapolis (Νεάπολις, Naples, "New City"), Syracuse, Acragas, and Sybaris (Σύβαρις). [26] The consuls had to work with the senate, which was initially an advisory council of the ranking nobility, or patricians, but grew in size and power. In Northern Italy, industrialisation and modernisation began in the last part of the 19th century. After the Battle of Actium, the period of major naval battles was over and the Romans possessed unchallenged naval supremacy in the North Sea, Atlantic coasts, Mediterranean, Red Sea, and the Black Sea until the emergence of new naval threats in the form of the Franks and the Saxons in the North Sea, and in the form of Borani, Herules and Goths in the Black Sea. Vittorio Valletta, Fiat's general manager, helped by trade barriers that blocked French and German cars, focused on technological innovations as well as an aggressive export strategy. The Fascists rejected Giolitti's offers and joined with socialists in bringing down his government.[116]. In turn the bishops swore allegiance to the Italian state, which had a veto power over their selection. The same is true for architecture, as practiced by Brunelleschi, Leone Alberti, Andrea Palladio, and Bramante. On 28 October, Mussolini launched an attack on Greece without consulting Hilter, who was informed of the invasion Greco-Italian War by reading about it in the morning newspaper and was furious. In the 1970s Italy saw an unexpected escalation of political violence. In the north, a Lombard League of communes launched a successful effort to win autonomy from the Holy Roman Empire, defeating Emperor Frederick Barbarossa at the Battle of Legnano in 1176. [90] However, many of the South's political problems and its reputation of being "passive" or lazy (politically speaking) was due to the new government (that was born out of Italy's want for development) that alienated the South and prevented the people of the South from any say in important matters. Only Venice and Rome were yet to join but they would eventually follow. Port Royal, South Carolina—1861-1862 On November 7, 1861, Captain Samuel F. Dupont's warships silenced Confederate guns in Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard. Andre Diso is right saying that Italy was always called Italy from a geographical standpoint, since ancient Greece times. In that year, he took the name Augustus. [114] The Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919) and the Treaty of Rapallo (1920) allowed the annexation of Trentino Alto-Adige, Julian March, Istria, Kvarner as well as the Dalmatian city of Zara. However, old republics such as Venice and Genoa were not recreated, Venice went to Austria, and Genoa went to the Kingdom of Sardinia. The Tangentopoli scandals involved all major parties, but especially those in the government coalition: between 1992 and 1994 the DC underwent a severe crisis and was dissolved, splitting up into several pieces, among whom the Italian People's Party and the Christian Democratic Center. The Church especially endorsed foreign policies such as support for the anti-Communist side in the Spanish Civil War, and support for the conquest of Ethiopia. The aftermath of World War II left Italy with a destroyed economy and a divided society. Italy also gained a permanent seat in the League of Nations's executive council. [91], Cavour decided the basic problem was poor government, and believed that could be remedied by strict application of the Piedmonese legal system. Mussolini later supported German claims on Sudetenland, a province of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by Germans, at the Munich Conference. At the same time, the so-called Biennio Rosso (red biennium) took place in the two years following the first world war in a context of economic crisis, high unemployment and political instability. Italian bureaucracy – How to get a codice fiscale and survive to tell the tale! The Austrian Empire vigorously repressed nationalist sentiment growing on the Italian peninsula, as well as in the other parts of Habsburg domains. In 852, the Saracens took Bari and founded an emirate there. Tuscan architecture and painting soon became a model for all the city-states of northern and central Italy, as the Tuscan variety of Italian language came to predominate throughout the region, especially in literature. In 1866 Italy was rewarded for being an ally of Prussia in the Austro-Prussian war of that year, by being given Venetia; and in 1870, the Italian army annexed Rome and the Papal States. Antony settled in Egypt with his lover, Cleopatra VII. Historian R.J.B. [45], Despite its military strength, the Empire made few efforts to expand its already vast extent; the most notable being the conquest of Britain, begun by emperor Claudius (47), and emperor Trajan's conquest of Dacia (101–102, 105–106). The second government of Depretis started in 1881. In addition, it has also been the first in which the number of female ministers is equal to the number of male ministers. Leave me a comment to let me know. On April 11, 1861, following Italy’s unification, former Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom on Sardinia, Chevalier Joseph Bertinatti, presented his credentials to the United States as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Italy. In 2010, Berlusconi's party saw the splintering of Gianfranco Fini's new faction, which formed a parliamentary group and voted against him in a no-confidence vote on 14 December 2010. 1871 - Most of Italy including Rome … [31][32] The conquest of the Hellenistic kingdoms provoked a fusion between Roman and Greek cultures and the Roman elite, once rural, became a luxurious and cosmopolitan one. Socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti was assassinated after calling for a nullification of the vote because of the irregularities. The nuraghe towers are unanimously considered the best-preserved and largest megalithic remains in Europe. Crassus had acted as mediator between Caesar and Pompey, and, without him, the two generals began to fight for power. In propaganda, Fascists used the ancient Roman motto "Mare Nostrum" (Latin for "Our Sea") to describe the Mediterranean. Since the 13th century, as armies became primarily composed of mercenaries, prosperous city-states could field considerable forces, despite their low populations. Mussolini was captured on 27 April 1945, by communist Italian partisans near the Swiss border as he tried to escape Italy. The Italian Renaissance began in Tuscany, centered in the city of Florence. The five main Italian states in 1820 were, from the south, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (which included southern Italy plus Sicily), the Papal State, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Lombard–Venetian Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Sardinia (encompassing, with Sardinia, Piedmont and Liguria). He consolidated old units and split up Austria's holdings. Soon after being ousted, Mussolini was rescued by a German commando in Operation Eiche ("Oak"). Inspired by the principles of the French Revolution, its members were mainly drawn from the middle class and intellectuals. [28] The last threat to Roman hegemony in Italy came when Tarentum, a major Greek colony, enlisted the aid of Pyrrhus of Epirus in 281 BCE, but this effort failed as well.[29][30]. By contrast, a mitochondrial DNA study of 2013 has suggested that the Etruscans were probably an indigenous population. Italy was later fragmented by the transitory su… Politically, Italy became a state only in 1861, so you will have to mention a specific area and time - at least At Fiat the workforce grew from 4,000 to 40,000. Europe tacitly assented to Italian independence. [38] Caesar's assassination caused political and social turmoil in Rome; without the dictator's leadership, the city was ruled by his friend and colleague, Mark Antony. [8] Italian explorers (including Marco Polo, Cristopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci) discovered new routes to the Far East and the New World, helping to usher in the Age of Discovery,[9][10] although the Italian States had no occasions to found colonial empires outside of the Mediterranean Basin. All of these features contributed to the success of the city. [85], At the time, the struggle for Italian unification was perceived to be waged primarily against the Austrian Empire and the Habsburgs, since they directly controlled the predominantly Italian-speaking northeastern part of present-day Italy and were the single most powerful force against unification. Italy was a large, poor country whose political system was chaotic, its finances were heavily strained, and its army was very poorly prepared. This coincided with the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa and the Middle East. The 1994 elections also swept media magnate Silvio Berlusconi (leader of "Pole of Freedoms" coalition) into office as Prime Minister. In the first year of his government, Prodi had followed a cautious policy of economic liberalization and reduction of public debt. It has been hypothesized that the ancient Sardinians, or part of them, could be identified with one of the so-called Peoples of the Sea (in particular, the Sherden) who attacked ancient Egypt and other regions of eastern Mediterranean. Landing in Sicily, Garibaldi and his men gradually worked their way up from the south overthrowing the Bourbon monarchy. Italy's military failures against France, Greece, Yugoslavia and in the African Theatres of war shook Italy's new prestige mightily. Di Santarosa's troops were defeated, and the would-be Piedmontese revolutionary fled to Paris. Along with Maecenas, he stimulated patriotic poems, as Vergil's epic Aeneid and also historiographical works, like those of Livy. In September, he ordered the invasion of Egypt; despite initial success, Italian forces were soon driven back by the British (see Operation Compass). It took control of Somalia and Eritrea. The Allies organized some royalist Italian troops into the Italian Co-Belligerent Army, while troops loyal to Mussolini continued to fight alongside Nazi Germany in the Esercito Nazionale Repubblicano, the National Republican Army. Lepidus was forced to retire in 36 BCE after betraying Octavian in Sicily. After being victorious in the Gallic Wars and earning respect and praise from the legions, Caesar was a clear menace to Pompey, that tried to legally remove Caesar's legions. The Italian general election, 1948 saw a landslide victory for Christian Democrats, that dominated the system for the following forty years. [57] From the 10th to the 13th centuries these cities built fleets of ships both for their own protection and to support extensive trade networks across the Mediterranean, leading to an essential role in the Crusades. During the reign of the Roman Empire, the Italian Peninsula was among the imperial provinces under the rule of the Romans. The French invaded the Italian peninsula, clearing out the old establishment and last vestiges of feudal rule. Belgium and Piedmont became integral parts of France.[78]. The Italian trade routes that covered the Mediterranean and beyond were major conduits of culture and knowledge. Inspired by the Spaniards (who, in 1812, had created their constitution), a regiment in the army of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, commanded by Guglielmo Pepe, a Carbonaro (member of the secret republican organization),[83] mutinied, conquering the peninsular part of Two Sicilies. Crispi worked to build Italy as a great world power through increased military expenditures, advocation of expansionism, and trying to win Germany's favor even by joining the Triple Alliance which included both Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1882 which remained officially intact until 1915. Before it was called Germany, it was called Germania. With the main working-class Socialist party reluctant to support the war effort, strikes were frequent and cooperation was minimal, especially in the Socialist strongholds of Piedmont and Lombardy. In the 14th century, Northern Italy and upper-central Italy were divided into a number of warring city-states, the most powerful being Milan, Florence, Pisa, Siena, Genoa, Ferrara, Mantua, Verona and Venice. On 24 December 1925, he passed a law that declared he was responsible to the king alone, making him the sole person able to determine Parliament's agenda. [132] In July 1943, the Allies invaded Sicily in an effort to knock Italy out of the war and establish a foothold in Europe. Warfare between the states was common, invasion from outside Italy confined to intermittent sorties of Holy Roman Emperors. [19][20], A few years later, in 474 BC, Syracuse's tyrant Hiero defeated the Etruscans at the Battle of Cumae. The Roman Republic was formed out of the papal holdings while the pope himself was sent to France. But so far, the idea of “Italy” as a nation country, or Rome as the capital, was just that, existing purely in the articles, books and minds of nationalists, not on an official map. Between the 12th and 13th centuries, Italy developed a peculiar political pattern, significantly different from feudal Europe north of the Alps. The conquest of Hispania was completed in 19 BC—but at heavy cost and severe losses. The 1919–20 period was characterized by mass strikes, worker manifestations as well as self-management experiments through land and factory occupations. The 1840 version of I Promessi Sposi used a standardized version of the Tuscan dialect, a conscious effort by the author to provide a language and force people to learn it. Italy joined the Marshall Plan (ERP) and NATO. Famous vernacular poets of the 15th century include the Renaissance epic authors Luigi Pulci (Morgante), Matteo Maria Boiardo (Orlando Innamorato), and Ludovico Ariosto (Orlando Furioso). And where the biscuits I grew up eating got their names which is very important!!!

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